[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Datbird claims that he fullcopped maxwell as mafia rolecop godfather and that shurian is in masonry with him and can confirm him (dat).

A lot of things about dat are pretty shady though, so you should read up.

So its maxwell vs dat.

Shurian hasnt commented about this.

wait, so if we assume there are just 2 scum left, that means our scum are either dat and shurian or astand and maxwell,
and the rest of us are clear


I ā€œreceivedā€ the whole card, and if I was being vague, I apologise.

Role Name: Sherlock Holmes
Class Name : Mafia Rolecop Godfather
Abilties : High Functioning Sociopath (Not Sus to Align checks)
Elementary (Rolecop Night Abil)


I wonā€™t go into the main details, but I wasnā€™t in my best mind at the end of the previous day.

Also, since weā€™re outed, Iā€™m a Mason with Dat, which I connected a link last night because I was extremely lost and was looking for help. Iā€™ll be off for a little talking with Dat after this post. He claimed

We discussed a littleā€¦ before devolving into memes and game discussion. I still have the chat, where Dat said he suspected Max and astand. He sent the equivalent of that classcard to me.

Actually, I have a few things to ask in my chatā€¦ I just read a bit and oof.

Oh boy. Birdā€™s typing a lot in the chat. I can see 3 colour pencil sharpeners.


Is your thing a Masonry (i.e. lets you talk in your own thread AND confirms both people in it to be non-mafia) or a neighborhood (lets you talk in your own thread but doesnā€™t confirm alignments)? Also, can you walk us through why you chose Dat? I donā€™t remember you particularly townreading him before.

Yeah. But my activity here this game has been less than desirable. I dont even remember when the last time I talked was >_>

Both are town.

Unless itā€™s bastard.

Either Dat and Shurian are both scum, this game is bastard, or Iā€™ve been framed in some stupidly effective way and the game is already lost.

I have one post left now for the day.

or you and astand are scum

So fun fact

Apparently itā€™s possible to Masonize godfathers

basically what this means is since in the world where Dat is scum heā€™s almost certainly the role heā€™s accusing Maxwell of, the masonry isnā€™t really AI for him. on the other hand the loverization might affect who the correct lynch is, if we believe itā€™s real?

@DatBird why didnā€™t you just explain to Shurian how your check worked in your neighborhood when he first got it and was confused?

Maxwell scum doesnā€™t necessarily imply Astand scum (although Maxwell town does imply Astand neut). In the world where heā€™s scum fullcop he could have just fullcopped Astand.

Also, we shouldnā€™t assume there are only 2 scum left, there could easily be more.

Wall on Maxi incoming, expect it whenever I manage to finish typing it.

Shurian was gone at SOD I wasnt I didnt know they got my feedback. So when I got back on for my second post. Shurian already stated my check for me. And by that time I just kinda went and explained it in main chat anyway. So i didnt need to go and to explain the same thing he could read in main chat.

So basically, youā€™re saying that Shurian came on, posted the thing about the check, you came on, failed to see Shurianā€™s post, failed to see literally any of the other posts discussing the check, explained it, and only then noticed that Shurian had already posted it?

I found out about it here.


an essay by Arete and Disquieted

Alright, this is going to be fairly long, if youā€™re not willing to read the full thing you can click on the Conclusions tab at the bottom but I encourage you to read the whole thing. If youā€™re going to read one section thatā€™s not the conclusions section I would suggest the ā€˜Other Iso Featuresā€™ one.


As Vulgard has pointed out earlier, Maxi has not voted scum once this game. His D1 vote is on Jgoes (and therefore notably not on the scum that got lynched), his D2 vote is on FK/Katze, and D3 he didnā€™t vote at all. Notably the D3 FK/Katze wagon is Astand (neut/could in theory be groupscum), Vul/Squid (whom I TR strongly), Luxy/Geyde (flipped town), Jake (flipped town), Derps (whom I TR), Nerbins, Maxi, us, and Maxwell. I donā€™t think Nerbins/Maxi are ever W/W based on the D1 roleblock thing that got brought up, so if we assume that most scum would vote the redchecked wagon on D2 Maxi is highly likely to be scum (it could also be Nerbins but Nerbins is much less scummy). Notably, Maxi barely commented on the FK/Katze wagon, except here:

and then votes them anyway with no progression (note that this post was made after the redcheck was outed).

PKR/Priestess interactions
Maxi on PKR/Priestess

First three interactions are kind of weak/NAI. The fact that they were interacting at all is a slightly good sign but not, like, overwhelming or anything.

This isnā€™t terrible, actually.

This on the other hand is really bad! Thereā€™s some shadethrowing on Priestess but he ends it with ā€˜but that slot claims confirmableā€™ which basically screams light distancing.


Itā€™s basically saying to give them more time even though he totally scumreads them, for sure. Which, with them flipping wolf, is a terrible look.

With all the shadethrowing at Priestess, Maxi then votes ā€¦ Jgoes. Someone whom heā€™d barely talked about or scumread earlier.

PKR/Priestess on Maxi

These interactions are really bad. Both of them put Maxi in null at first (Priestessā€™s read in particular is hedge city) and other than that they basically donā€™t interact with him (except PKR at the end, after someone specifically suggested him to receive the gunsmith thing).

Other Iso Features

One of his earliest posts is a townread on Marshal for his reactiontest after literally never interacting with him. This is not a very well-thought-out read and likely indicates scum who feels like they need to do something, due to his instantly jumping to it for no clear reason.
As for his other readsā€¦

This is incredibly hedgy

So is this

This is also hedgy

Do you know what this is, well guess what itā€™s a hedge

h e d g e

you can probably guess what Iā€™m going to say about this one
Basically, apart from his read on Marshal, almost all of his reads were incredibly hedgy and demonstrate a lack of willingness to take a stance.

If Nerbins is town (Wazza is basically conftown at this point regardless of Datā€™s flip in my opinion, and Simon is obvtown) then Maxi is literally setting up five people in TvT thunderdomes (and I donā€™t think Nerbins/Maxi is a viable pairing).

Note that this particular post comes right before the last one. ā€˜Marshal is obvious town but itā€™s still really important to resolve the conflict between him and Jgoesā€™

he still TRā€™s Marshal here ā€¦ but see his next post

This post is very bad. (a) Neut hunting is generally scum-AI because scum have TMI that other people arenā€™t mainscum, but not TMI that other people arenā€™t neuts. (b) After spending all of D1 strongly TRing Marshal, he suddenly jumps to the conclusion that Marshal could be neut for no clear reason.

Other Miscellaneous Details
  • Maxiā€™s activity sharply dropped after D1 for no clear reason, even though we had a scum lynch D1. This is consistent with him being scum losing motivation due to having a teammate lynched on D1.
  • Pre-flips with Dat:

Disquieted thinks this is W/W distancing; Datbird had never previously commented on any ā€˜shady shitā€™ Maxi was doing, and had barely taken a stance on him at all, but pops in here to comment on him being shady without elaborating.

  • The thread consensus of Maxi being town basically came from (a) Astandā€™s fake N0 and (b) Merc (who is scum or scum-sided neut) pushing a narrative where Maxi is town. This isnā€™t a point in favor of him being scum but it does mean that we shouldnā€™t consider ā€˜but he was generally townread earlierā€™ as much as we normally do.
  • Maxiā€™s interactions with PKR/Priestessā€™s slot were largely bad; he scumread them lightly but never pushed them, and conversely PKR/Priestessā€™s slot basically just hedged on him until everyone else decided they were town.
  • Maxiā€™s voting has been terrible. He was the sole voter on the Jgoes wagon D1 to ā€˜resolve Jgoes/Marshalā€™ (BOTH OF WHOM WERE TOWN) despite claiming to SR Priestess/PKR, the now flipped wolves, due to them claiming confirmable. D2 he was on FK/Katze despite claiming not to think they were actually scum.
  • Maxiā€™s Iso is full of hedgy reads, and he never really makes any sort of push or takes a real stance other than Marshal being town, and many of his posts arenā€™t consistent with actually taking his own TR on Marshal seriously.

tl;dr: Maxiā€™s slot is scum. It needs to die as soon as possible. Disq kind of wants to vote him today; at this point I donā€™t actually think trying to CFD is a good idea, since itā€™ll end up splitting the votes, but seriously, if we die tonight and canā€™t push it this slot needs to die tomorrow.

Additional detail that I meant to include and then forgot: the Jake nightkill makes no sense (when we looked at his Iso, Disq did think it could have been a PR hunt, since he softed Jailor). This mostly isnā€™t consistent with scum being in the people who are actually paying attention to the game, but is consistent with a scumteam that mostly isnā€™t actually paying attention to the thread so as to notice all the reasons why itā€™s a terrible kill. Even in the case where the PoE is largely wrong, it canā€™t possibly be the case that the entire towncore is scum, that numerically just doesnā€™t work, so even in that scenario scum could have killed in the towncore.

I donā€™t think itā€™s worth the risk to CFD from Dat to Maxi with under a half hour remaining this day phase.
Your essay has fully convinced me that Maxi must die tomorrow, though.

I am now out of posts for the day. Best of luck.


a mini-essay by Arete, a person who is very good at correctly resolving thunderdomes
this one is shorter than normal because I have like 10 minutes to write it
lolmechanics-based reasons
  • Maxwellā€™s voyeur feedback (i.e. not a rolecop) is confirmed accurate via Wazza, who Datbird confirms (i.e. Maxwell/Wazza canā€™t be a pair confirming each other).
  • A town-aligned fullcop would be super OP
  • The odds of Datā€™s N1 and N2 checks both being sent to scum or dead people are quite low (roughly 14 percent)
  • The main mechanical piece of evidence supporting Dat is the Masonry, but in the case where Datā€™s scum heā€™s a Godfather and Godfathers are Masonizable in this set-up
  • From Priestess/PKRā€™s claim we can deduce that scum likely has a drug dealer, explaining how Shurian would be able to get that feedback.
Reads-based reasons
  • Datbirdā€™s SoD behavior is not consistent with having a redcheck on anyone; he claims he wanted associations from Maxwell but never tried to actually get any associations.
  • Datā€™s behavior relative to the alleged masonry also doesnā€™t really make sense here.
  • Datā€™s N1/N2 checks were both kind of bad ā€“ notably, announcing them now doesnā€™t clear anyone who was remotely seriously considered to be the lynch, and checking Simon without considering his vote on PKR/Priestess is ā€¦ not great.
  • Datbird has on balance acted slightly scummier than Maxwell prior to today, taking into account how scum this game have been acting. The TMI on FK/Katzeā€™s slot is particularly notable.
  • Dat today was also blatantly TMIing me as town with how he only approached it from a point of view where he needed to persuade me, rather than considering the possibility that I was scum defending Maxwell. If he actually had a redcheck on Maxwell Iā€™d expect him to consider it.
  • Disq thinks Maxwellā€™s reaction to the redcheck was very pure.

also if the lynch is cleaned donā€™t immediately assume it was scum looks at LT + LotR

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Helllllllllllo lads, Im around this time so I wont get you waiting for a flip