[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Because i see jgoes as scum and me as… town.

I don’t like most of the reasoning that is presented in his favor. hear me out… i know this doesn’t sound great, but I might be able to somewhat self-resolve tonight.

Im off for a while, dont go out voting me.

I can claim if needed, but i’d likely end up claimvigged.

Also i would fucking love a game where i can speak my mind and actually try to help town without being the highest D1 scumread.

honestly screw off. I could have just faked a PR and slanked my way through this but that doesn’t really help anything.

I’m depressed and I only can post ten times this game. This makes it even worse because it’s a pain to try to quote posts and make wall posts here compared to MafiaUniverse.

First thing I wanted to talk about this game is this game. I think it’s pretty obvious at its base that it was built around improving people’s play and that Eevee put a lot of time into this game considering that he worked for three months on this. However this setup isn’t just based on trying to improve people’s play by making them post more content, there’s a lot of lessons Eevee will be putting in this game if he spent more then three months working on this game.

People don’t want to listen to this. People are going to call me scum for trying to appear to be doing something when I’m not, however this is absolutely needed because if we actually want to improve as a community we need to people to actually listen to the lessons that he tries to tell people here.

One of the things that I think that Eevee will be stressing this game is Reads>Mechanics. Eevee is an absolute believer in Reads>Mechanics that there is likely a lot of mechanics that are designed to trick town into thinking the wrong thing. If you read someone as scum push them, don’t be afraid to push them because someone claimed a green check on them. This lesson is crucial in forum mafia, because there’s a lot of times where mechanics will agree you. For example, a game I was recently in I used mechanics to my advantage. The mechanics made me “confirmed as town” when I was scum. Some people scumread me but were too afraid to push me until it was too late.

Something else is the post restrictions, and this is important for everyone to listen to. One of the things that’s been bothering me this game is how Marshal is playing this game. He’s not thinking through his points rationally, there’s a lot of flaw with his logic. If you compare to this to other people with post restrictions, they have more content in their posts and less flaws then him, even though they have flaws in their posts.

Marshal, a person who has no post restriction, has more flaws in their argument then someone with a post restriction. That’s the important part here, because Marshal doesn’t feel the need to save their posts, they will post whatever is on their mind regardless of how flawed it is because they aren’t looking that closely at it as would someone who needs to decide what to say and how important he is.

Now that I said that, I’m going to work with Katze on getting them to improve at reading people and teaching them how to be convincing. I know that I was given ten posts so I can work on how to convince people in fewer posts, but I would rather work on that where it’s easier to actually ISO people and wall post.


I’m not scrolling up to reply to that PKR post lol sorry

@pokemonkidryan why is my slot so high up if you’re scumreading me? Why are you scumreading me in the first place? Because I scumread you? I scumread you for the PR claim because you were much more willing to claim in 19B, where you were scum, compared to 19C. Can you link the game where you claimed with a known anticlaim in play?

Anyway with that out of the way, I think FK’s post was towny, specifically the third paragraph b/c he’s not trying to look town, he just seems genuinely worried about the community as opposed to just this game, which I think is towny big picture awareness

That’s probably a bad read so if you think it is just pretend I called it gut lol

Except that you aren’t looking at people’s reasons for reading you as scum or him as town, you’re just attacking everyone who does and acting like the only reason they could have for doing that is being scum, which isn’t true even if you’re town and Jgoes is scum. You aren’t evaluating their thought process at all, which is what actually matters here.

Then explain what problem you have with the reasoning, rather than just saying that they’re scum for having reads you disagree with.

I’m going to be honest, you’re pretty much in my ‘never clear based on mechanics’ pile, after literally every scumgame you’ve ever had.

you see why i dislike Marshal right now? He just feels really in his scum meta, his pushes feel shallow, his reasoning weak and quick to call anybody who dares disagree with him scum

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Your slot is so high up because I townread Jgoesgaming and he’s in a hydra with you. As far as I understand Hydras share a role and slot, so they work together at all times. This means that Jgoes and you have to be the same alignment.

I scumread you because you and me have both played with each other a lot and thus by now I expect that you would know about how I play. It seems you do… somewhat. Since you used examples on the BMG forums, however, unfortunately for you my style is completely different here. So I find your attempt to transfer it unusual to say the least, but still somewhat understandable.

This link will answer all of your questions about my playstyle here. I enjoy mechanical talk highly, normally end up getting scumread, get annoyed as hell from it and end up claiming but because I’ve done this multiple games in a row, I am saying now I am highly confirmable, I can and will confirm myself tonight… hopefully

In that game I was a Town Doctor/Retributionist combination. Who claimed due to 2 people scumreading me and annoying the hell out of me because I felt I’d never be able to be townread after it. It’s just how I play here and yes I hate it.

Jgoes is by far the more substantial and more impressive half of your slot at this time, so I do apologise but that’s where my read comes from. Jgoes is town af, you’re shady but since you’re a hydra you’re probably both town. If you had read my catchup you’d understand why I’m that way.

And you’d understand why I combined everything into one post. Since I have a PR of 20 posts daily.
This is now post number 5. I have 15 left. If I go over, I lose my vote.


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Ok yall, Imma catch up while doing some design homework. I gave up doing it earlier cause it was 90% wallposts and I usually skip those, but that doesnt seem possible this game, so I guess its time to struggle through them

The difference is that you are now providing content and before you were literally offending him and refusing to play. I’m worried because Kai only described why he disliked Marshal after people have started to point his flaws, and just repeated what Arete said in less words.

That’s legit exactly how I feel about this game lol

About Posts 223 and 224

I dunno why everyone is outing their post cap, and apparently everyone has one… besides Marshal? Huh.

But first, I want to give a little info on this community as a whole. I want to note that while I am using one post on this issue, I feel that it is a major issue that MUST be addressed for the community to anywhere break through to the next level. (EDIT: Read through my post, and it may have more than a little salt inside… so bear with me >_<)

Personally, this little community, as of now playing mafia, is reliant on some major things.

Mechanical Clearing.
Claiming to get TownCred.
Mechanical Reads.
Fluff posting.
Meta Reading

Most of the players here are undeniably, level one. That goes double for me, because half the time, I wake up, and voila, there’s 3000 posts waiting for me to skim through, and as you all know, how 3000 one liner posts can be very, very difficult to read through… and to add salt to injury, 50% or more of those is usually fluff posting. Aka, no content generated.

Meta Reading is a serious issue here. Some players here notably don’t try as scum, which therefore… you know, makes the game really unfun. (The regular players KNOW what and who I’m talking about. And no, they aren’t in the game.) But, I do know as this is a really small site, it tends to be unavoidable. Could the experienced people from other sites please bookmark this and say if there’s any good way to solve this problem?

Town play here is generally very reliant on meta… If you could fake in any way near your town meta, in this site, Helluva you’re getting a straight ticket to core city, and you can sure as heck deepwolf from there.

Example that can be given is my terrible plays in Arsonist, tho that’s really more my problem than others, and all 3 scum were caught by metas. The game was solved on flipping Ici, then following his meta to a T (now we could have tried to avert that, but both of us weren’t online when Ici got pushed on and lynched, and… well I didn’t really have the time to think it through with the scum team.).

Fluff posting. Yes, I’m guilty of this. The general mindset is “take it easy. No need to be serious.” That’s okay… at least when used in moderation. Fluffing the entire game… just doesn’t help. Fluffing 100% before screeching at people for voting them due to lack of content is… not something that should happen, but it happens.

Finally. Emotions. I get it… I mean, I believe this post is chock full of emotions, but bear with me, this is an issue that I feel very, very strongly about. I believe the veteran players here will agree.

Most of the playerbase here… are teens (hooray for Priestess, Arete and Katze who aren’t!) And… well, upon getting pushed on, they have a very, very, NASTY reaction. This includes telling people to “shut up”, “fuck off”, “die”.
Emotions are powerful, and I believe there has been a post made on this, but man does it blind people. This make the game unfun, and not very helpful to town. And people clear them, why? META. That in itself, is absolutely ridiculous, doesn’t it?

Now don’t get me wrong, there are emotionally sensitive people here on board, and they do sometimes churn out well-thought posts, but if there was a catalyst to speed that process of improvement, I’ll glady trade an arm for it.

Actually, reading back, I may have pointed things out in a very horrible way, so I’ll apologise here first. But these are the problems that must be fixed here and now, I won’t change my opinion on that.

Discuss the community’s state AFTER the game is over. This is a very biased viewpoint of the community itself. If there’s any questions, ask eevee. I believe eevee has filled everyone in at least.

Back to fairyland


You guys can try to do it like me and only read the most recent posts, since you usually get the context as people keep repeating it anyway lol
In that game 5 posts is specially high since everyone is a wallposter. We are deep into D1 and currently there are only 233 posts, for example.

My issue is I just don’t enjoy writing giant walls, I’m glad by post cap is higher but yeah I don’t find giant walls fun to write and generally thoughts are always bouncing around and I’ll send something and right after have another thought but

Is Mist1422 the Chemist1422 I am familiar with on MU? If not, what do they go by on other forums?

How many town collapses due to mechanical talk and people getting “confirmed” will it take you to learn that the best strategy is almost always reading people from ISO’s, interactions, and self meta? I might be wrong, but it feels like the VFM town winrates on this site are much higher than winrates in almost every other category of FM.

I am commiting to avoiding mechanical talk completely in this game if at all possible. This means that I will never reveal any information whatsoever from my classcard, period.

I’m also a bit disappointed that it seems a decent amount of people are sheeping some of the same town and scumreads.

Please don’t become too set on your towncore too fast as Vul did in SFoL 00. Although townhunting instead of scumhunting can be a good strategy, I prefer the latter because if a scum member gets into your towncore and you don’t expel them before it is too late, that can screw with everything.

Sorry if I don’t find a ~50 post ISO where you die during day 1 to be of good value.

It seems since people have post restrictions, we’re going to see a ton more partial ISO wallposts than usual. This should mean that this sort of activity is less inherently towny than it is usually, just for reference.

Not to mention, as I learned in Marson, the character limit for a single post is 150,000 characters, so that is very hard to reach.

Arete is still a teen, FYI. I am one too but won’t be one anymore before them.


I agree with a good deal of this post. It’s a bit unfortunate that so many people try so little as scum here and that reading via self meta is so effective.

I agree. More people need to come to their own realization that this FM is always just a game and extreme toxicity is never warranted.

I’ve tried scrolling through this thread since it’s only ~230 posts, but ultimately since I’ve missed almost all of it it’s very hard to relate and I don’t think I’m capable of making a readlist I’d be confident in yet. I have some self-meta reading to do and i’m considering starting with Nerbins unless someone else has an alternative suggestion. This is also my first game ever that has hydras in play.

I couldn’t agree more here.
Here we go again with talk that could get mass amounts of people claimvigged or claim-debuffed like it did in SFoL 00 and SFoL 53.

Comment on this: Self meta reading and ISOwall analysis is a good strategy on this site but it shouldn’t be as good as it is, and making people squirm and uncomfortable is still the best way at nailing the scum just as it is everywhere else. I had the most posts in Marson despite subbing in but all my work didn’t really help in getting the scum compared to what others did in a whole lot less.

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It’s day 1 and you each posted 10-15 posts on avarage.

Please answer in your rolecard how is it different from standard day 1 in FoL (or ToS episode)?
Is it better or worse?
Does post limit force you to rethink your posts and hence focus on more important reads/plans and improve them in a way?

In your rolecard!


If I continue to see only walls in this game I’m gonna die inside guys



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