[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory


This is what we’re looking at w.r.t. Nerbins. Obviously bussing is a tactic that exists but trying to bus your scummate when there’s a totally different townie who’s been fake redchecked would be kind of weird.

This reads to me as distancing and not bussing. Especially since no serious wagon formed on Maximus at any point during the game.

I’m pretty sure I’m on the edge of losing my voting privileges so that’s all I can say.

Why can’t Merc’s post you quoted earlier be distancing? If anything, that feels a lot more likely to be distancing, since it’s light shadethrowing rather than a serious push.

Because it was random shadethrowing and what Nerbins/Maximus did was a full interaction.

Most of the distancing between flipped wolves so far this match has been closer to shadethrowing than to full interactions.

Derps also disappeared after I pointed out the weird semi-contradiction in his claim and hasn’t come back to explain. (@SirDerpsAlot)

Read what Priestess said about me, please.

Iv been busy lmao


Can you answer it now

and/or give us a good reason not to execute you

What was the question again

Also we want your full results if possible

No full results atm, also I forgot about hydras when I sent actions so yeah

Can you at least say who you targeted on each night? And why no full results?

No not yet

No lolmechanics

Can you give me one good reason why we shouldn’t execute you today? Who do you think the last wolf is?

Uh I think it was Astand?

…okay, explain how you came to that conclusion so I can try to figure out if it makes sense? If it’s not Astand then who is it?

I honestly don’t remember half the people in the game atm

But presumably you had a reason for saying Astand, right?

I remember thinking it was them earlier