[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

tfw suggest a cfd off of scum onto another scum

(Priestess -> Dat)

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@Vulgard You looked through all my bad intentions :eyes: as only person in this game. Good job

and I have no idea how I managed that

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anonymous game would be interesting

I wanted people to not know it would be MYLO with 5 people, so kinda yes.

But also I was occupied by Nerbins, so I didnā€™t distribute any fruits myself, and no kills were because of that too.

Also it was hell funny to watch you trying to get associations from me :smiley:

17p the thing game @eevee pls

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  1. PKR/Priestess - Anticlaim + Gunsmith
  2. Astand - Fruit vendor JOAT
  3. DatBird / Shurian / Maximus / Merc - Investigative 4-man hydra


  1. Derps - Methodical cop
  2. Firekatze - Flavor cop
  3. Simon - Fruit vendor
  4. Jchemist - Fruit vendor JOAT
  5. Vulsquid - Will checker
  6. Disette - Silencing Insane Doctor
  7. Jake - Silencing Insane Doctor
  8. Geyxy - Sheep herder
  9. Marhsal - Slank vig
  10. Nerbins - Roleblocker
  11. Maxwell - Investigative monitor
  12. Wazza - Group motion detector

You obviously spewed Jgoes as town Marshal just doesnā€™t know how to read you

So you didnā€™t poison?
Holy hell youā€™re crafty. The lack of poison made me forget about the existence of a poisoner. Probably wouldnā€™t have lynched Derps there if I remembered.


We kind of settled in trying to read by VCA and how people interacted with Priestess but not the other way around

Also my starting PR was 20.

donā€™t get on my level

Yeah I spewed a few people as town >.> but at least I didnā€™t get anyone of my people suspicious, and I got Datbird down for some days.


@eevee modrant pls

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I panicked when I failed N4 kill, then decided to launch a preemtive attack on Nerbins by saying we blocked each other because of absolutely nonsensical interaction after I got supposedly devannilazed. (again, I was shocked no one asked me to clarify that).

What does this mean?

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We kind of got really sus of Merc based off of your spew priestess

FK had a 10 post limit and the nanosecond i gave him permission to post above if if necessary he was already at 80 posts for the day

moral of the story: FK cannot be leashed

i had a 50PR and was scared to fluffpost cause of it >.>