[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory


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people underestimate the power of posting


If youā€™re doing it to someone else itā€™s just ā€˜metaā€™

Itā€™s only self meta if youā€™re talking about your own meta

wait how does it help you win

lol out of game mindmeld with Arete

Yeah I got modkilled for editing my first post if day 5.

for what its worth though, FK having a really strict PR helped me learn how to handle myself

if he had no PR he could have just played the game without me

i think i learned a lot more on how to play because of it

I need dead chat.


U werent wrong though. Truth hurts but ya get over it

Everyone has self metas no matter how hard they try to not have them.

Itā€™s hard and intensive work, but comparing someoneā€™s iso and interactions to those that theyā€™ve had in past scum and town games of theirs can work as a very viable strategy. But not when a PR exists.

Itā€™s how I helped Kai and others clinch Marson with a clean sweep.



just defended Dat

Iā€™m wondering rn if she is lost wolf

if she isnā€™t we can convert her somehow please.

She is pushing more agenda than me

/dayvig self

Is it okay to get yourself intentionally modkilled???

It wasnā€™t intentional. I was unaware of the nature of the no editing rule.

Arete, itā€™s fine, you did great. Reading deadchat or mafia chat is a mistake.

iā€™m shifting in my chair waiting for the Firekitten wall to hit me like a train

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I had a discussion with luxy about it. Everything is resolved and it definitely wonā€™t happen again.

I can hardly believe that.
You were trying to circumvent the PR on purpose.

You have to wait for me to finish running myself over a train first for that to happen