[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

make sure you write about how great i was as a hydra partner in your NOVEL


@SirDerpsAlot I choose YOU. Invite me.

You maybe noticed my playstyle change in the GI SFoL
It was because I learned this here:
Guides dont matter
Wallposts dont matter
Reads dont matter much



Wow guys, seems like DVC is some closed club or something.


Priestess = Priestess

sorry, no mafia allowed

(you’ve been invited)

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can you invite me to dead chat or otherwise get eevee to publicize it

By far best lesson

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sorry, no modkilled people allowed

(you are also invited)


Me too pls :smile:

he was really fun to talk to, i’d be pretty content being in a hydra with him again :heart:

now… if he wants to be paired with me again is another question

sorry, no… yeah, i got nothing. you’ve been invited

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Trust tells are ehhh
I think they did it during GI so it probably isn’t too bad but ehhhhhhh

invite me pls

What does town do there other than push the person who they think is scum

sorry, you designed my GI class and i didn’t like it so you’re not allowed

(eevee please publicize it i’ve invited like 5 people now)

He didn’t push anyone tho