[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

R. T

I might not be able to write any more posts until the day ends, so I will share a few more thoughts.

I still donā€™t feel good about the Arete/Disquieted slot and itā€™s probably my top scumread as of right now.

I hate this post so much. It attempts to excuse the bad opener (in my eyes) with a high amount of words that ultimately mean nothing for the match. And yes, I did go through it all the first time around, but Iā€™m surprised I finished reading it. It is very easy to write posts like these as scum, because you can use the emotions you truly feel and write a massive word salad that looks genuine (because it is) but ultimately means nothing.

This is not any better. I would honestly not be surprised if disquietedā€™s negative tone is a result of them rolling scum. Look how much fluff that post contains.

Disquietedā€¦ starts talking about Derps, then starts discussing the fact nobody is talking about him, then starts talking about meta, then says they are not looking for a push. ā€¦So what are they looking for? They have accomplished absolutely nothing. They failed to clear their slot. Their game has no direction whatsoever.

Areteā€™s posts have been less scummy but Disquietedā€™s posts have been downright terrible in my bookā€¦ and neither player in the hydra has truly attempted to advance the gamestate. Ew.

At this point Iā€™m 100% convinced there is scum between Priestess/PKR and Marshal, because the thread is unnaturally warping around their interactions and this does not just ā€˜happenā€™ without scum getting involved.

I want Jgoes to resume posting because I want to see his progression from the initial Marshal tunnel; Chemistā€™s posts have not strongly pinged me one way or the other but in comparison to Jgoes, they seem unmotivated. Jgoes suddenly disappearing from the thread is also a bad look. It feels like he allowed his hydra partner to continue playing day 1 for him, and I know this is angleshooty, but why is that the case? In theory, if Jgoes had no idea how to progress from the Marshal tunnel, he could let his partner take the wheel.

I know making a connection like that is likely to lead to confbias, but I generally donā€™t feel very good about that slot either. I have a history of misreading Jgoes, however, so ultimately I donā€™t think I should put him in my scumbox yet; definitely not in my townbox either. I just feel bad about the slot overall because of how it dropped off after the early game. I have never seen Jgoes drop off after playing 3-4 games with him where he was always town. His motivation to play and do stuff is generally consistent, so I have no idea what happened here. That is why I really want to see his progression to figure out his alignment.

Marshal/Priestessā€¦ I honestly have no idea which of the two slots is scum. Both slots have pinged me. A part of me believes Marshal is the scum because of his tone.

This post feels like agenda if scum!Marshal is considered. ā€˜Please shift attention to Priestess/PKR, scumread them more.ā€™ He does not have very good reasons to scumread the slot (or at least, he does not express them in his post), but he throws a bunch of shade with no analysis. ā€œOoooOoooOOoOOO, look at this hydra, they might be evil. OoooOOoOOo.ā€

This part completely puzzles me considering what he said before.

He was strongly scumreading the slot. But now he says a mild statement about Priestess/PKR: ā€œI think we should shift some attention towards this hydra and try to figure them out.ā€ Soā€¦ is he pretending he has not figured the hydra out? When did the read change into a potential townread? He was pegging Priestess/PKR and Jgoes/Chemist as his top two scumreads not long before. This makes no sense. It feels like he was trying to sound reasonable with his last post, and that is why the statement is so strange. Because he wanted to write a reasonably-sounding post when he clearly did not feel like being reasonable.

It is possible Marshal is just erratic town because so many things he says do not seem to make much sense together. I know, this might seem like a weird conclusion to reach, but I honestly donā€™t think everything I wrote above makes him scum. It just makes him weirdly erratic. His play does have direction, he justā€¦ does plenty of strange things, and the fact he has no post restriction does not help me read him whatsoever.

Now, Priestess/PKRā€¦ now that feels like agenda.

This feels LAMIST. ā€œYes, you are indeed correct, but here is why this makes me town so shut it. Also Jgoes is town.ā€ The suggestion of Jgoes getting bussed seems ridiculous to me because the thread has not been going in that direction whatsoever, so it feels like Priestess is not fully in alignment with the movement of the thread - or at least wasnā€™t. Because now, she is the one moving the thread.

This attitude is terrible and it terrifies me. She sounds so high-and-mighty in this match, like she feels in control.

I bolded a part that feels tacked-on. Why does this matter to her? It feels like she felt the need to add something ā€˜townyā€™ to her post. Also, she suddenly switches to a jokey tone and relaxed attitude before her Marshal ISO. This is incoherent, but also seems deliberate.

She does not explain why either is scummy. She does not even explain the lie.

Notice how her tone changes to the high-and-mighty tone yet again. The ā€˜mhmā€™ really seals it. This post already has agenda written all over it. This is the type of tone scum uses when they want to control the thread. They want to get their ā€˜feelingsā€™ across, they want to discredit their target, they want to sound relaxed, but also in control of the game and ready to ā€˜lynch scum.ā€™ Argh, I could talk about this tone for hours and still reach the same conclusion. I donā€™t like it whatsoever.

Priestess defends Jgoes, questions a townread on herself and questions a townread on Shurian. Questioning a townread on yourself is NAI. Questioning a townread on Jgoes is fine, because it is in alignment with her read on Jgoes, but she then proceeds to harddefend Jgoes. She even calls Marshalā€™s read on him ā€˜shading.ā€™ And while Marshal does shadethrow quite a lot, the post she is quoting here was not shading. It was a legitimate read, flawed or not.

For reference. The quote is broken and shows Priestess but Marshal is the one who said it. This is a read. This is not shadethrowing.
Moving on.

Still going on with that high-and-mighty attitude. The :wave: emoji. Yes, I am reading someone based on the emojis they use. Watch out, Arete. :upside_down_face:

She tries her best to find a reason to scumread Marshal and sell people on the scumread with every single post she makes and I find it baffling. This is not even a proper ISO, this is just a hunt for mistakes and screw-ups she can use to sell her case. Throughout this ISO, she has not considered town!Marshal even once. She might just be tunneling here, but this tunneling seems to be done in bad faith.

TMI. Worldbuilding.

Lies. She really finds as many reasons as possible.

And this conclusion. This is not even a conclusion. This was a series of buzzwords, bad attitude, and agenda-pushing. She does not even say she thinks Marshal is definitive scum at the end. She did not analyze anything. She defends herself in her final line. There is justā€¦ absolutely no conclusion. She ISOā€™d Marshal for nothing, like she was looking for an excuse to use multiple keywords on him. There was no analysis in there. I cannot possibly see town doing this. I can easily see scum doing this for the sake of agenda though.

TL;DR Disquieted/Priestess slots still scum to me and I would lynch them both. Marshal is iffy and I wouldnā€™t clear him even if the Priestess slot flips scum, but he is generally more towny than Priestess/PKR in my opinion. Generally. I wouldnā€™t discount the possibility of powerful distancing, etc.

Also Iā€™ve found myself generally agreeing with Luxy/Geyde on a lot of things, so I think I can confidently say their slot is town right now. Of course, if something like ā€˜Priestess town, Disquieted townā€™ ends up happening based on flips, the Luxy/Geyde slot has to be reevaluated. But for now, I donā€™t think I will be scumreading their slot until EoD.

If anyone has any questions, hit me up and I will answer to the best of my ability. I do have townreads, Iā€™ve just been talking about them less.


Iā€™m off

I just canā€™t read wallposts after wallpost

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@edit: My cardpartner canceled todayā€™s game. Iā€™m now a disponible, but sad, Mercenary.

Alright. If you can, please share what you two can deduce about it in the thread.

Yes, I can see it now. I thought she was doing a calmer discussing-with-people-who-townread-Marshal-1-by-1 play, but those quotes show that she only asked for it once and the person didnā€™t even reply.

I believe that is because they are townhunting instead of scumhunting, as we talked a little about it.

I thought you were accusing her of this. Nvmd it then.

violently scrolls upwards
Found it

Anyway, that is my feeling as well. I think that, if you two were mafia, at least one of your scummates would try to argue with the pushes somehow to make them look more solidified. It isnā€™t the case, as everyone is agreeing passively BUT the people you scumread.
That puts you two to slightly townie. I recommend protectives to WIFOM between Maxi, Luxy/Geyde and Astand tonight.
Btw, was Astand pressured or just claimed out of nowhere? I didnā€™t see the context but a cop outing D1 is strange, although not so much on those forums.

Nothing I have read and not already mentioned. I can understand if Iā€™m having trouble expressing my progression since Iā€™m not used to post textwalls, but it is still more progression than I usually have.

Vote count:

Voted Voters Count
Hidden Hidden Hidden
Hidden Hidden Hidden
Hidden Hidden Hidden
Hidden Hidden Hidden
Hidden Hidden Hidden

Number of people being voted on vote count is randomized, since itā€™s hidden as well.

Your welcome.


This read is reachy as all heck. It basically feels like you decided you wanted to scumread Priestess/PKR, and searched for a reason to do so.

I still want more explanation of this because Iā€™m not seeing it here. Heā€™s been OMGUSing and shadethrowing everyone who accuses him, and literally his entire thought process on some of his reads has been ā€˜they disagree with me about Jgoes, they must be evil.ā€™

Anyways, everything about this post feels agenda-y as all heck. It feels to me like Luxy/Geyde are starting from a perspective where Marshal town is indisputable fact (despite not having any sort of explanation for it), then worldbuilding around that and using it as an excuse to scumread people, frequently with bad reasoning.

Itā€™s not sarcasm. As scum Kai tends to feel more pressure to contribute and he usually seems really nervous, whereas as town heā€™s far more confident.

In any case, I donā€™t agree with all of Katzeā€™s reads here but his thought process doesnā€™t look fake to me.

I still have most of my posts left, so if anyone has questions for me or whatever, nowā€™s the time. (Or anytime in the next 8 hours, really.)

I really wanna flip priestess/pkr.

Because that slot flipping scum creates a good POE of jgoes/areteslot/kai.

If I am flipped, remember this POE.
If priestess is executed and flips town, I still might be able to do something mechanical to try to clear myself.

I know itā€™s hard to believe, but itā€™s something more than just ā€œlol mechanicsā€ and should still mostly clear me.

Iā€™m wasting this post just to spite you to say you are this close to getting me to drop my current world view and my case on someone and vote you

But I really doubt a priestess town flip.

Is it because of the mechanics thing?

(You can like this post if it is) because Iā€™m serious.

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Well I will just say this:

It is something that scum, in theory, could do, but it would be very -EV.

All I will say.

If it looks like I am the lynch ~4 hours from EOD, I can give a fullclaim.

However, claiming makes me slightly less effective.

Iā€™m finally back from the restaurant.

Iā€™ve been so busy I didnā€™t even come close to breaking my PR.

Iā€™m going to bed in less about ten minutes, so Iā€™ll have to do the Marshal meta-read during the night.
Iā€™m not sure if I should vote Marshal here, because while he is currently my top scumread, the meta-read could change my opinion on that.

Iā€™m probably not voting, because Iā€™m not even caught up with the thread, unless Mist decides on a vote for me.









reminder on solving nullreads

Updated read thermometer if anyone is curious
I have changed some reads without commenting about them because wallpost is fatigating, if anyone wants to know more just @ me

Here. Luxy/Geyde claim that Priestess wasnā€™t communicating as a hydra and that was why they had such different responses.
I honestly dislike that reasoning in particular to scumread them, not taking in consideration the other accusations on Priestess because that would take too much time on a slot everyone is already discussing anyway. They are expecting everyone to play as them, disregarding completely that some players may simply act as if they did not had a hydra at all. Iirc this happened earlier with another hydra (Jgoes/Chemist I think) and Marshal handwaved it as ā€œhydras are different peopleā€. They didnā€™t bring up this point again, noticeably, when Luxy accused Priestess of that.
Something to take in consideration about Marshal @Luxy

I just noticed that when finding that post to link to Arete.

I didnā€™t read the entirety of the wallpost, btw. Here is one thing I disagree on.

Iā€™d want to bring some attention to the slot that kinda seems to go UTR for now, and maybe not for good reasons.

This post Iā€™m replying to has 11 likes and people seem to be completely fine with it (for some reason), but I actually do find it pretty wolfy. Main reason for this is probably because everything in it does make actual sense, itā€™s well written, but letā€™s ask ourselves, what purpose does this post actually serve?

The first half of it is just explaining what eeveeā€™s intentions are and generic talk about forum mafia, which is not that AI by itself, since anyone can talk about it (itā€™s just FK is maybe able to talk about it better than the most).

What is actually bothering me much more is the second half of the post, where FK talks about how people play in general and how Marshal plays in particular (it proves FK does read the game btw). Of particular note however to me is purely desriptive nature of what heā€™s talking about. He says Marshalā€™s way of posting is ā€œbotheringā€ him, since he doesnā€™t think about his posts and they are full of flaws. Which is find and well and may even be accurate, but what conclusion FK is even drawing from this? One would think heā€™d might conclude that Marshal is town based on that, but this is not present. In fact, any talk about alignment is avoided.

This actually sounds like a post that could be 100% not fabricated and yet be made by scum who wants to specifically avoid writing any falsehoods in their posts and seem like they posted some great insight when itā€™s actually pretty meaningless.

Well, I tried to look at katze now:


A lot of the stuff he posted is actually pretty generic - like liking Luxy/Geyde, passively agreeing with not liking Jgoes based on Marshalā€™s reaction test (about Marshal - the statement that they are scum or VT makes no sense to me), Kaiā€™s read is just clearly hedgy. I do get the slight impression that content katze makes is going through the motions.

Conclusion: I do scumread katze/FK slot and I do want to see much more from them.

About Arete/Disquieted slot: I think some good points were already made, but whatever.

I didnā€™t like their opening post when I first read it and I dislike it even more now since it has been made clear there is no follow up to it. In their last post their give townlean on Kai for fluffposting, which is fair enough of a read by itself, but I donā€™t like ā€œbut hey, could be a personality quirkā€ remark - feels like trying to keep the option open. I also dislike how they go into a whole paragraph of how going UTR is worrying in general. And interestingly enough, there is actually no point whatsoever made on why SirDerps might be scum from what he himself actually posted except that people donā€™t talk about him much.
Also there are already excuses put in the post itself, ā€œI donā€™t really seek to control conversation or a push hereā€ - why not actually? Wouldnā€™t be it the whole point? Btw for fairness, I am going to ISO Derps myself.

As for Arete, who has much more content as of now:


Ironically enough, I donā€™t like the reasoning for townreading me, since I donā€™t understand where ā€œW Astand usually has a hard time producing contentā€ thing comes from, as I did post content in EFoL 3, which is the only my scum game Arete knows about afaic. And really, ā€œfelt solveyā€ is a very lazy reason to townread anyone. So I think itā€™s an excuse to townread me and likely TMI.

(On a side note, I think meta reads are going to be much, much less useful in this game as the structure of posting in general is completely different from normal.)

Donā€™t know why she bothers writing about her nulls so much, like pointing out

The read on Shurian - itā€™s actually good, the reason being that this is a read I made (lol) and Arete just repeated, and I also find it strange that she tries to support it with liking Shurianā€™s wallpost for taking stances - because I think plenty of stances Shurian took werenā€™t actually that solid (I townread Shurian on that post for a different reason) - Iā€™m not sure if Arete bothered to analyse that post very well.

Donā€™t like how they shade Marshal based on the fact ā€œwell LoTR game, he can do it as scum too!ā€. (side note: honestly from my skim I got an annoyed villager vibes from Marshal, at least from some posts, maybe Iā€™ll quote them). The rest of the reads I think fair, but none strike me as something definitely villagery to make.

Reversing the read (on Merc in this instance) is kinda a slightly villagery trait though (when it has a fair reason), so it gives me some small pause here. Donā€™t think itā€™s out of Areteā€™s range, of course, but itā€™s not a bad look.

The attack on Luxy is terrible in the regard that he tries to shade the slot for some very specific reads that go in conflict with what the narrative they try to push, while I think itā€™s a completely disingenuous to evaluate Luxy/Geyde based on that and call ā€œeverything about this postā€ agenda-y.

TL;DR Scumreads on FK/katze and Arete/Disqueted.

Iā€™m getting really tired right now from doing this tbh, and itā€™s already 00:35 AM.

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Without wall posts or much explaining, I think the way Vulgard is approaching his reasoning is mildly villagery from what Iā€™ve seen, and some of his observations have been pretty good.

FK, did you have that so called discourse with katze, what did you discuss in terms of game related content and what did you disagree upon?

I like the fact youā€™re going there because Iā€™ve noticed it too, I just had no idea what to say about it.

Also, Disquieted and FK/katze seem oddly similar in that aspect. It makes me wonder if they could both be scum going for the exact same playstyleā€¦ it doesnā€™t feel right though. Not a great strategy, not a good way to play the game. Iā€™m not 100% sure if either of these slots is scummy but I did notice their similar approach to the game, as in what their posts contain (a lot of fluff and NAI talk, but little to no analysis and solving).

I honestly donā€™t know what to think about this, but I felt like bringing it up.

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stream jesus is king