[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Sometning I just want to say because I’m feeling it, is maybe their post restriction just made them not want to play this game because it makes it less fun

You just won’t admit it’s cause you’re paired with me :cry:

The PR has kinda thrown me off as well. I wasn’t intending on a lot of my posts being long, but… it ended up happening.

Even though I wasn’t even close to hitting my PR I still felt pressured into long posts.

Anyways: Why did everybody believe astands cop claim so blindly?

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all im thinking about right now is this fruit thing.
@Nerbins, why did you give everyone the mangos?

Where did Nerbins claim the mangos?
Giving the fruits does not mean anything, though.

Looking at PKR’s ISO, that difficult to understand push Simon did on PKR (that confused me D1), which prompted a lenghty response, is mildly good look for Simon.

It’s just kinda weird and roundabout as distancing. Usually when scum wants to do that, they make more clear points - and that remark Simon made “its difficult for you to defend yourself in this position” - this is not how usually partners talk, at least I think partially my gut says so.

PKR’s wall seems hedgy to an extent where I’m not willing to put much stock in any of the stuff he said there. It looks like he was doing busy work there.

As for interactions with Luxy - I think Luxy/Geyde are already pretty cleared, as I remember them pushing the slot very hard, and I don’t believe that’d really make sense as bussing D1 in any world. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Priestess was pretty hostile as well.

Them trying to prove themselves by giving something to Maximus and even asking if they should give it to someone else looks like a pocketing attempt as well as an attempt to save themselves, of course. I sincirely doubt they’d tie themselves to a buddy in such a blatant manner.

I actually feel like it might have been due to TMI scum had that Maxi is actually town, and perhaps they didn’t feel like arguing against it. Hence PKR’s thing I pointed above, which may point out to scum exaggerating Maxi’s towniness in their minds (which is often a consequence of TMI) and trying to appease to him.

To rephrase, in scum mindset, maybe it was inevitable fact that Maxi was town already (at least, at that point in time).

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I don’t think luxyvey are scum lean for now but they also aren’t cleared for the Priestess thing. Both Priestess and PKR are LHF who sometimes hurt their team more than helping

I don’t read Luxy/Geyde town from just that fact, I think there were independent villagery indications D1 as well, so coupled with that, I don’t see how they really are a concern right now.

I think with the way the thread was messy, it wasn’t actually necessary to aggressively bus the slot, as the focus of the thread was very lacking.

Priestess vs Marshal

This stuff and much more that I won’t bother to quote as it’s a wallpost. Marshal is just town, and I think people need to accept this fact soon.

This interaction is not only really agitated from both sides, it’s also discrediting Marshal for pushing an LHF townie (who they know are town), and also bringing a fuckton of attention to both themselves and Marshal.

From experience, this is w/w pretty much about never.

he didnt.

but he did

{PKR/Priestess} - {Geyde/Luxy}, Derps, Simon, Marshal, Nerbins, {Arete/Disquieted}
Nerbins - {Jake/Alice}, Maxwell, Astand, {PKR/Priestess}
Kai - Merc, Shurian
{Arete/Disquieted} - {PoisonedSquid/Vulgard}, {Firekitten/Katze}
Marshal - Kai
Simon - Datbird
{Jgoes/Chemist} - Maximus

Right, so looking at the vote count + my towncore, I think it’s very unlikely that Nerbins and Priestess were bussing each other; in the case where they were bussing each other, I would expect the other wolves to pile onto other non-Nerbins people given that Priestess was looking more likely to be the lynch at EoD, so they’d either bus her or they’d want to be on other wagons that weren’t about to contain a flipped wolf, which would force the scumteam to be exactly {Firekitten/Katze}, Datbird, Maxi ,Nerbins (,{Priestess/PKR}) and I don’t think that’s likely (and would also put pretty much all the scum on vanity wagons). In the case where Nerbins is V it makes more sense for wolves to be on Nerbins since there would be the potential of getting a mislynch depending on how exactly the votes shook out; in that case I would expect 1-2 additional wolves on Nerbins besides {Priestess/PKR}.

Other thing I’ll note about my VC is that there’s an awful lot of green voting other green if I’m correct; when I get a chance (probably in a couple hours) I’m going to look at the possibility that I miscleared someone, both because of that and because of the more general desire to be sure I’m not putting wolves in my towncore.

@katze I actually want to hear from your own words, why do you think PKR’s flip doesn’t look good for Arete.

Because it’s as if you did analysis in regards to the flip at the time you made that remark, and yet when you talked about Marshal, you only discussed mechanics and said that you can’t reach any conclusion (other than a vague comment about you being sceptical about his claim)?

Because I think Marshal’s stuff is difficult to miss in Priestess’s ISO (if you read that).

Where is your head at, in more general terms?

I thought that I was the first to townread Simon. Since when do you townread him?


I townread him post-Priestess’s flip (it was … somewhere in my 2000-word wallpost, I get if you don’t want to read the whole thing) – basically, in addition to the fact that he voted Priestess (since that could have been a bus), he seemed very calm towards EoD when Priestess was being wagoned. If his scumbuddy was being wagoned I would expect him to be far more panicky either to see how he could save her or to see how he could bus her. His tone is pretty disinterested, which doesn’t really fit with either.

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im not disinterested. its interesting. im just mellow

he didnt claim it
but he did it

Firekitten’s content D1 was discrediting Marshal with terrible reasons.

Come D2 and the only thing (alignment-wise related) he talks about is how Marshal is a possible neutral killer. It’s like he just found an excuse to not reevaluate him.

WTF is FK actually doing in this game.

In regards to Arete, I might be warming up to them a little (part of reason being that if Nerbins is V, the PKR wagon might even end up being pure).

It’s pretty obvious I’m terrible with post restrictions. I’m used to gaining my reads from interacting with people and I can’t afford to interact with people here due to post restrictions. If you are expecting me to do anything of value with my post restriction, you are well mistaken. I was talking with Katze before you started posting, and I was asking if they cared about me breaking the post restriction and after a while I got them to be okay with me breaking my post restriction right now.

Maxwell’s ISO seems to consist almost entirely from generic talk about how to play the game, and from defending himself in various ways (also no, I think his claim is meaningless but the fact that he felt compelled to tell us about it is something to think about).

At the very least, I don’t see anything so far I’d call him villager for.

@JakeTheWolfie What new thoughts do you have after yesterday? You did have a lot of opinions D1.





I wouldn’t say I did extensive analysis.

In hindsight, I probably worded my thought process badly in that this post. I don’t think PKRiestess flipping scum makes me favor Arettled any more than I did prior. They’re still one of my highest scumreads.

I don’t actually know how my view of Arettled would change if PKRiestess flipped town, though. If you’re asking me to elaborate on why I don’t like them, I can do that. But it seems like you’re more focused on this specific line:

I don’t disagree that PKRiestess flipping Mafia makes Arete/Disq look pretty bad

As for why my opinion on Marshal seems purely mechanical, it’s because it’s hard to put a finger on him. On D1 my opinion went from a scumread to townread and everything in between, and now I’m definitely leaning towards him not being scum.