[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory


This is my PoE right now (yes, I still think Arete/Disquieted is an extremely scummy slot but I’m going to re-evaluate soon, don’t worry). Might put someone else in there later, but that’s where my mind is right now. There are probably some teams among them that make no sense, I don’t think I have the energy to sort them right now though (certainly not after this monster of a post just above).


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Almost everything on there is a misread of what I have posted and I’ll answer it little by little.
No. My scumreads are Kai and SDAL. I have a strong conclusion because I have put Dat near the top. He does a lot of small townie things which amount to a townie overall persona. I’m commenting that pushing on him for an inactivity meta because he was busy irl is shadowy at least.

This reminds me

@DatBird question, would you describe your flavor as “honorable” or anything about your class as it? Pretty important.

Instead of saying that, please explain your town motivation behind that re-evaluation because I just don’t see it.
Also, I forgot to put Nerbins in PoE, though my gut actually says town now. It’s bound to change soon, I believe.

PKR/Priestess: Luxy/Geyde, Derps, Simon, Marshal, Nerbins, Arete/Disquieted
Nerbins: Jake, Maxwell, Astand, PKR/Priestess
Kai: Mercenary, Shurian
Arete/Disquieted: Squid/Vul, FK/Katze
Marshal: Kai
DatBird: Shurian
Jgoes/Chemist: Maximus

The people in red are in my PoE or have already flipped scum.
Interestingly enough, Arete/Disquieted and Nerbins’ votes look extremely good here because they took PKR/Priestess over rand. I believe it matters less since we don’t know exact votecounts, but it does attract my attention. They might both be town based on these votes alone and I was just wrong about Arete/Disquieted. In which case Jake/Maxwell/Merc/DatBird would remain.

Not sure about this yet, but I would like to bring this up.

One more note about that VCA: 0 scum votes on PKR/Priestess make no sense to me, so if Nerbins and Arete/Disquieted are both town, I would seriously consider the possibility of a Luxy/Geyde hardbus on PKR’s slot. I know it seems -EV to do this, but… yeah. I’m thinking about it. Maybe I shouldn’t pay much attention to VCA because it’s invisible for both factions until EoD. Or maybe I should. I’m not sure.

Maybe you shouldn’t color people who haven’t flipped scum red because that defeats the purpose of VCA

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MW, Jake, you and Bird were nulls
Nerbins is suspicious but half-cleared due to Priestess flip, although I’m not bought on it
I haven’t seen SDAL make ANY colaboration to the thread despite having a lot of posts
Kai makes bad accusations and floods the thread.
If I were to update it tho, put Marshal in scum tier as well. I’m starting to believe they are a neutral because their behavior is ultrabad and at the same time they were cleared by Priestess’s flip

You aren’t locktowning people for having long posts like a lot of people are doing with LuxyGey and you. “Long posts with information” isn’t towny behavior coming from good players, which I consider Luxy, Geyde and you to be, as if it would be strange if they did not do so as they usually do it as town.

Yes. Because Dat was NULL. I’m foccusing on townreads and not scumreads, because whoever isn’t town has to be mafia.
My circle is closing to 6 players now when I suspect that there are 3 mafia alive. I would call it a good POE sample.

It was BEFORE the PKRiestess mess.

I expect mafia to ask for reads only to receive the consensus one. Generating debate is a townie thing.

It’s easier for me personally to comment on it when I have pretty colors, sorry if it caused a mess for anyone else.

Read my readlist i explain myself in there

You litterally ISOed me, I have a post reacting to all her messages to me. Just read it urself

Yeah I would say it would

You are right there. Didn’t see it on that perspective before.

Yes, because I’m solving my scumreads and not people I have already solved and would just read them on a confirmation bias anyway. That’s standard mafia protocol.


would read what that message quoted before it erased it

Oh wait nevermind, I meant what I replied to

How does that make them scum?
I’m rapidly getting closer to my post restriction but this makes no sense to me, really.

Ultrabad how. You are not explaining anything. You just make decisions about who you townread/scumread and don’t say much more about it.

That still does not make it a subtle towny thing.

@Kirefitten I think I’ll look into that tomorrow, but I think Jake’s voting pattern and voting explanation are not a good look in general. That’s the feeling I get, can’t really provide evidence for it yet.

I think I’ll just go to sleep because I can sense my tone getting progressively worse. Night.

Iirc I commented that on quoting your readslist.

I ISOed you and not Priestess.

She wasn’t. No one was townreading Priestess or putting HEAVY pressure on Nerbins. All posts on Nerbins died two comments away because no one would discuss him. Mafia here was accepting the loss and not trying to salvage it.

Same, but Nerbins wasn’t debated because scum already gave up on PKRiestess — she was the only one defending herself afaik (maybe Arette was doing so as well). That’s why I think there is a greater concentration of mafia members voting it, feeling invincible because of the lack of VC.

It was my top scumread.

> have a POE similar to mines
> scumread me for it.

no thats my first post in the game, not the readlist

you can still see what i replied to, especially when I quoted them

Katnze you know what that means, we are having bird for lunch

Ooh can I come?

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