[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

When did marshal ever get angry

Did he? I thought he seemed angry

Other way around

Maybe Iā€™m just really sensitive to anger >_<

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Or MaYbE ItS 2 AM in the MOrNinG and I NEed to slEEp
Im still here
Iā€™ll join the cool kids club of breaking my PR


Because if enough town breaks their post restriction in a day scum wins voting parity and wins the game

Nope. I just think that town is better with Kai out of the XyLo than inside it. I doubt mafia is killing Kai anyway unless they claim IC. Mafia wins more than town loses if Kai is left alive, but he posts too much for the slankvig claims get him.

It is now Maxwell/Jake/PV/Kai/LuxyGey
Since a lot of people are saying that Priestess cleared Nerbins and SDAL and I didnā€™t read at large what Priestess said, I would like to analyze it myself before throwing them or not in the PoE again.

I also have that same impression from LuxyGey when they accused me tbh.

Iā€™m refeering to the hydra as PoisonedVulgard or PV instead of individuals unless they were treated like different people for a lapse of time (like people reading one of the hydra as one thing and the other as another thing). Itā€™s not so much about you, it is on how Marshal threw shade on me because of the Dat read without interpreting it properly.

I was about to go over stuff
That I didnā€™t think of
Until I started thinking
And suddenly everything I was going to say looked so horrible

But, as town, we would be able to weed out the scum like this! (No, who guarantees the one that talks less is scum? This isnā€™t thought out enough.)

But, if we see where the wagon is, we would have more info! (For above italicised post, no. That wagon would be useless as we canā€™t differentiate jack.)

But, but, if we can use our re- (We would be wasting a dayā€¦)

Alright I misread the time I have one minute left

Thatā€™s not a good enough reason to kill kai, we should lynch scumreads not policy lynch people here.

Iā€™ll come back with a wallp-

Imma go sleep andā€¦
Finna, yeah, gimme juice. Juice for wagon. Mmmā€¦

read the thread to make solid reads Shurian although I appreciate your faith on our case

Mines isnā€™t THAT low but since I doubt mafia is at parity any soon Iā€™m breaking it tbh

in the basis of two posts and heavy analysis on which three different players of MU, including Apoc, Mantichora and Newcomb, to illegaly give me insight on this complex interaction between those two players in the public thread who happen to form together a hydra, and which gave me a read so good it is worth here to share that I literally angleshot to make it and that Iā€™m going to be replaced out for breaking the rules but to be honest no one will care since it is so legendary of a read it will be marked in the history of FM and thus the mere cancelation of a simple game is ephemeral compared to the greatness of that read, the reads of reads, a read so great that in LotR:FM people would reflavor the One Ring to this read and I doubt that the host would as well give me the One Ring to use just before I got replaced out just so I could express the utter legendariness of that read, a read so great that it will have a topic dedicated only to discussing the geniality behind it and that thread will not only be forever pinned but also the forums will be maintained forever only so it can prosper, 100 years in the future when the entire humanity is dead there will be robots programmed to make a complex society only surrounding the fact that a computer should be displaying this read, when the sun inevitably bursts into a white dwarf or a proton star the robots will have then made a special capsule only to protect it because it is the universeā€™s most prized patrimony and it will be then sent to another planet to finish the cycle, defying the deathgrip paradox and making the demiurge himself get curious about this read and protecting it until the end of the universe to survive and process the next big bang that is to come, making the new universe entirely this read and any other universes merely a subproduct of it, guaranting that it will exist eternally in all intelligent comprehension (and eventually unintelligent as all those beings will at one time develop a way to emit and capture information from unintelligent being), I conclude that both members of this hydra are cats.


merc is lockscum


Tinfoil time: Since there were no nightkills, do you think it is possible for mafia not to have a NK at all but only doublevoters?

Thatā€™s alright then, I just recommend if there is a vig to kill Kai
maybe the slankvigs as iirc Kai almost didnā€™t post today.

I asked the winner of the MU championships to give me proof as somehow my brilliant read was being attacked and they answered me that:
image image


merc is literally openwolfing why arenā€™t we killing this

Okay, I hardly read the thread, because my headā€™s now on fireā€¦

Iā€™d like to give my opinions. This is gonna come as quite detached, but considering Iā€™m too tired to make conclusions, Iā€™ll just have the rest of town do it for me.

Remember, I said ā€œPKRiestess was in a ā€˜What the Fuckā€™ā€ slot. My take on that, is, Priestess and PKR did quite a lot of questionable things. Lolmechā€¦ actually Priestess was just Priestess back thereā€¦ beingā€¦ questionable. For associationsā€¦ itā€™s hard to really put together any from their slot. Should I read those? Actually yeah I will in the morning.

?? Wait what

inb4 someone takes my fluffposts seriously

I really should actually make a reads list soon, but Iā€™m just letting this pan out. Maybe Iā€™ll consult FK and we can make one togetherā€¦

the first victim of taking my fluff seriously

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Wait what??