[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

That’s what you get for trying to silence minorities, buddy!

Also self-meta makes the meta invalid. You should have asked for your scumbuddies to do that for you.

It makes the statement that town wouldn’t do it invalid because I was town when I did it

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Well at least we have 2/3 of the marshal sux gang as scum or caught scum.

I like aretted even less here because they are the last member of the marshal sux gang and that has been all scum so far.

could you give us a read on astand that isnt just “theyre faking their check” perhaps?

its self meta, but the thing about self meta is that it can still do something. it can nullify. if you can prove that you have done a thing as an alignment, with some regularity, then you can prove that it cannot serve as evidence for you being the other alignment. basically, self meta can be used to show why something doesnt show you as mafia, but cannot be used to show why something does show you as town.
its a tool ive used quite extensively myself, back in the days of my first few fms.
fk, could you show a few examples preferably? just naming the games would probably be enough

im actually starting to come up on my post cap, so my posts will be fairly sparse for the rest of today

yes but it also makes the statement of “town would do it” invalid because you are aware that you did it as town(quite aware, in fact) and so it is null as far as metā but scummy still becâuse town huas no reason do do that.

What the fuck

Before anyone “MeRc WhY dIdN’t YoU vOtE yEsTeRdAy”

it still shows on VC so you can make it honarary.

or don’t because it screws up VCA

As I expected, the person who immediately claims cop and is still alive has a fake check? Please, I can’t even pretend I’m surprised.

It humors me you’re all eating this shit up, honestly. Have we all forgotten about the anticlaim?

I’ve already softed, do I need to make my role more clear so we don’t lynch a town?

Don’t you think if FK was coaching me, I’d have “more consistent thoughts”?

I’m posting fluff because I’m trying to become more comfortable. I stressed the hell out of myself trying to do wallposts so I’m easing down. Sorry that your standards are higher. :slight_smile:

My reason for blocking them is the same reason for blocking a person the first time

you literally didn’t think through this post at all and you wonder why people criticize you

I should be home within the next hour and half plus dinner, and then I will be able to participate for like 4 or so hours. My apologies, this is midterms time for me, so a lot of shit is on my plate

This is scum bluster, regardless of if check is real or not

I’ll go ahead and claim for them

We thought we were a cop N1 because we investigate people and it turns out by investigation it means getting a result that we don’t know what it even means

We checked datbird N1 because we were scared of checking a person with less then 10 posts due to marshal and we got honorable as a result

What a compelling argument.

What am I supposed to say? I just come back after minding my own business for a bit and there’s a fake redcheck on me.

Am I supposed to not be mildly annoyed?

Perspective slip that anti-claim is claimvig or something.

Also why would i be alive as i have roll and flavor claimed and am spewed town from peistess’s flip.

Well ur not wrong flavor wise, my class is honorable, but that doesnt help me at all, thats just a weird af check

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he’s probably scum rolecop if i had to guess.

However this is antispew so i’m not townclearing off of this.

Fk, when did you vote aretted?

This shouldn’t really be news to anyone.

From my perspective, there’s only a few assumptions I can make.

I voted Arettled EoD1. Very close to the end. I posted when I voted.

what is your classed called.

example: jgoes is a town iphone 11