[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory


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You forgot about how much I was trying to do before all this? I donā€™t have anything to say, because everything right now is revolving around us and everything in the thread that I wanted to respond to I did.

I pretty much calmed down from before, but nothing else is going to get done until Astand retracts their check on us because everyoneā€™s going to be talking about us

Thatā€™s right. Heā€™s not even drawing attention to Astand, the person who claimed the red check in the first place. Why isnā€™t he saying anything about him?

I have replied argument by argument. I have the right to call it fallacious because even then you both just ignored my replies.

Why should I redirect attention to them squid

They likely arenā€™t scum

I canā€™t argue against them trying to frame me because they werenā€™t getting scumread and it doesnā€™t make sense for them to do this as scum


so you think itā€™s a reactiontest?

because i really donā€™t think it;s a reactiontest

And why would he keep the lie going on for this long? Shouldnā€™t he have said something by now?

thereā€™s no reason for them to do this as scum, it makes more sense for it to be a reaction test

Have you noticed they stopped talking in the thread

Thatā€™s because they want to see what happens lmao

Actually, he did speak a couple of times. Too bad you ignored him :thinking:

Yeah im sold here.

FKā€™s logic is garbage

@astand please tell us if it;s a reactontest.

Otherwise fk you are gonna be sent to deadchat and the marshal sux club can meet there.

I still see hidden posts when itā€™s ignored

Fuck you

Okay, I suck with reactiontests

Thatā€™s quite the hypocrite you are

Alright, I had meant to go re-evaluate Merc but given that I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have time for a full re-eval I just looked at the interactions she had with {PKR/Priestess} and {Firekitten/Katze}.
tl;dr I think I miscleared Merc earlier, these interactions are ā€¦ not a good look.

Merc + {PKR/Priestess} and {Firekitten/Katze}

Puts Katze/FK second-to-bottom.

Puts Katze/FK third-to-bottom.

Puts Katze/FK fourth-to bottom.
But as far as I can tell, despite this, she never interacts with or pushes Katze/FK on D1. Like, if someone is your second strongest scumread, you would think youā€™d at least do something about that.

Here she analyzes Luxyā€™s read on Priestess and attacks specifically only the weak point of the read, while trying to defend Priestess. I donā€™t know, I might be confbiasing because of the thing I noticed with her positioning of FK/Katze, but this isnā€™t a great look.

This is pretty much the extent of her interactions with {PKR/Priestess}'s slot. (Lack of interactions in either direction here being scum indicative.)

D2 is a bit better of a look for her with her actually interacting with FK/Kittenā€™s slot, in this case in a meaningful way.

ā€¦and in this case in a less meaningful way.

Hereā€™s her analysis of Priestess/PKRā€™s flip. Not really sure if I can get much out of this, to be honest.

And suddenly Katze/FK have rocketed from the bottom of her readslist to the middle of the pack. With FK/Katze being basically outed this is pretty damning, especially when thereā€™s practically no progression.

Iā€™m going to be honest the ā€˜pinging people you think will agree with you to defend youā€™ thing kind of reminds me of something Iā€™ve done as scum before.

Hereā€™s a couple of different interactions with FKā€™s slot, these are basically the extent of the interactions they have. I thought at first the second one in particular was a good look for her on not totally ignoring her theoretical scumbuddy but itā€™s actually just discussing mechanics, which is a much easier interaction to fake.
[in between that post and the next post, the redcheck comes out]

This post actually gave me pause for a moment, my first assumption was that scum!Merc would just bus FK here rather than thinking it was a reaction test. However, the progression into ā€˜Reads make me like FKā€™ (particularly when that was her second-highest scumread at SoD1 and she never explained why sheā€™s putting them higher, and that even when she did put them higher it still wasnā€™t high enough to justify ignoring a cop check) is really bad. Furthermore, she only considers the possibility of Astand reactiontesting and not Astand being scum faking a check to get a mislynch; I suspect this comes from TMIing Astand as town.

And two more interactions with FK. Iā€™m not sure we can get much from them because those are after FK was already outed as scum.

I still shouldnā€™t be in this thread apparently

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Did anything else happen last night? At all?

Looking at how FK behaved during that meantime, I believe the slot is now scum. Not full reasoning unless someone wants to hear it because it would just be rainning on what is already wet.