[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Eevee’s going to be ultra pissed at you for using AtE. This is a game where we should be improving, not use the same tactics we used before

I’m not your buddy, pal.

I’m not thrilled about this. This isn’t the most pleasant experience.

Have you ever been redchecked as a green?

I mean hell, this is the first time I’ve played this. It’s not going nearly as expected. I’m defending myself the best I can but nobody cares because a fake cop exists :upside_down_face:

I don’t think it is the good kind of scum. FK is acting too on-the-nose here, Katze being a little more conservative. I think that it benefits from being lynched, somehow.

Alternatively, FK is trying to fake TWTBW. All I know is that FK likely wouldn’t give those bad reactions as a townie.

Screw it Maxi said nothing happened to him, he’s lying. I role-blocked him and he’s saying he wasn’t role-blocked because he had the mafia kill for the night, I’m certain

It’s clear to me I’m never going to be able to improve if I stay on this forum, and it’s clear to me that even if marshal wants to improve his ego won’t let others criticize him.

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or maybe me being mad has a role to do with it

There is no feedback.
I asked Eevee about it when I didn’t receive the you slept well notification.


Kitten plz bring me let’s improve together
also I have created a new MU account named Mercenary

I only asked if there was feedback and the question was quite dubious tbh, unless your specific roleblocker has feedback it is totally acceptable for Maxi to answer nothing happened to them.

Dude I don’t think it does
I got no feedback on if my block succeeded or not either

Nerbins read your Rolecard carefully and see if there’s any tricks in it

Because our Rolecard made us look like a cop when we were actually a flavor cop

Then all Maxi would know is that nothing happened to him that he knows of, unless he is a self-watcher.
In that case, he would be roleblocked and think nothing happened to him anyway.

DatBird is a member of the honorable!

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“Each night chose a player to roleblock them”.
Is that typo important

What typo

“Chose” instead of “choose”


Eevee first language isn’t English so probably not