[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Then your rolecard has a typo

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*based on other games and general stuff like that.
assuming based off stuff within the game is usually fine

Your rolecard says you can activate both night abilities in the same night, but your first night ability only gives one fruit.

I reckon that the full rolecop might be scum sided, seems op for town.

I know, itā€™s just that I wanted to check something to see if it made sense.

But seriously though, Merc isnā€™t probably going to say jack crap

Oh maybe it means you can use the same ability twice or one of each ability

Nvm. These rolecards are kind of hard to read

Then the information you got about my role card is not exactly correct somehow.

I can give 2 fruits at the same night, and I can choose to heal/protect them as a day ability (the protection would happen the following night).

N1 I targeted Luxy/Geyde and Marshal with apples, but it didnā€™t seem to go through as neither of them claimed anything, so I assume I was roleblocked.

N2 I targeted Arete and Nerbins.

@Arete You DID receive the banana, right?

astand if what maxwell is saying is true you are aware of the 2 other fruit vendors. were you given a fruit?
dont say what kind tho

The information I received most likely is that between

  1. giving 1 fruit
  2. activating all fruits of a certain type

is that both are night abilities, and each night you may either use one of them twice or one of each

After N1 I was just disappointed in the game and decided to have some fun.

I did receive a persimmon last night.

God dammit this was mountainous in disguise wasnā€™t it
Eevee made all those occupying fruit vendors so weā€™d have to rely on reads

I donā€™t think that fruit was intended to target me but I received it anyway lmao
The fruit has 9 letters and starts with P.
Only saying so the fruit seller knows Iā€™m real and has a good motive to get the hands out of my wagon.

townie people

scummy people

why did you choose those individuals in particular.

short vid and great content (if you like Overwatch) go for it boys.

Scuse me what

I mean, confirming someoneā€™s actions doesnā€™t confirm your own role. How can a fruit get people off your wagon?

Why do you even pretend to do anything at this point, Merc.

I reevaluated both of them, and Nerbins partially because of his claim.

Was merc redchecked?

She claims neut who needs 3 town lynched, and I donā€™t buy it.

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I know who sent the fruit

Gonna see how Maxwell and Astand interacted before I have an inkling