[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

There’s 18 players, and where’d he say that?

That probably included neutrals on the 7 then. 7 mafia to like 9-10 town with Neuts is like a D1 maf win lol

he said that before the last one joined, in the signup thread

maf wincon doesnt include neutrals

its when mafia reaches parity with town

Still though, 7 mafia with neutrals included is absurd.

and yet here we are, so it must not be that absurd.
yes i see the circular logic here, but thats not what im basing this off so :man_shrugging:

Who will my death incriminate and exonerate? Pretty sure my role is secretly useless cuz it’s done freaking nothing so I’ll take the lynch without objection if the results will be good.

yourself. itll incriminate yourself
because your mafia

When I flip town though, who will it incriminate?

it doesnt have to affect anyone else, is the poitn

i dont know. ireally dont

What’d Vul claim?

Oh well that’s some red flags now isn’t it

no it just points more toward you being mafia than anything else imo

How? According to you there’s two left. You’d think there’d be SOMEthing that’d incriminate the other one if I flip mafia.
So who do you think it’d incriminate?

no, i dont think that.
i think that the other mafia is just the next most scummy person.
nothing says youd have to incriminate them whatsoever

you probably did, but thats not a necessary component

What do you mean that’s not necessary? If there IS two mafia left, then finding how they interacted is important, riiiiiight?

how they interacted sure.

but just because your mafia doesnt mean you had to have incriminated your other mafia.
thats not a necessary component to you being mafia. its probable. but not necessary.