[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Then try checking, at the very least.
Or you’re saying you know you’d find nothing? Is that it?

i dont think you know how this works man.
i dont see it. your trying to incriminate meby implying that this is tmi which it isnt. its just me being hilariously bad at reads to the point where i dont see anything here.

which i dont get the point of, since apparently ive been cleared from my votes, so it just feels like you fighting a losing battle to me

Why’s that? Wait I thought you said cleared from being voted NM.

Anywho if it’s not Astand it’s probably Derp

we’ll see.
your still mafia tho so your dying first

Question. Is it LyLo right now? No, right?

no, so we lynch the most likely scum

your not going to just trick me here. if you want me to believe you i have to be logically convinced.
pathos and ethos dont really register with me too much

Dude if it clears me I want to be lynched today. If I’m right my role’s pointless anyway so my flip really only helps since it’s not LyLo. Also better since we’re not risking a role more helpful than I am by not lynching me.

that implies you are town which is not known to the town at large

No shit. Sorry the aggressiveness there wasn’t intended

but if your so sure its pointless you can claim. i dont normally encourage this but you

it is not something one should do when trying to prove they are town. you dont assume your conclusion before you reach it, you show that it is the one and only best solution, not just that the evidence fits.

the evidence doesnt just have to fit, the answer has to be the best one available for the evidence

…you’re joking right?

but if you think its pointless then id like to verify that

you said its pointless.
money where your mouth is.
cause if thats the case its better for you to get dayvig’d.
so we can save a day

Dude I claimed D2 when I was accusing Maxi

and i missed it

And all the subsequent posts saying who I attempted to RB? You trying, man?

just being able to rb doesnt ensure your full role. i thought it was a partial claim

Wait you said you missed it