[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

I hate to say it, chief, but that’s a little bit hypocritical. Judging someone for doing the same thing as you is… pretty bad to say the least. That doesn’t mean you can’t say that kind of thing, it’s just that it sounds weird and maybe a little bit scummy

Essentially, if you were town I would expect that scum or some fraction thereof, if they’re present in the thread at all, would jump on it to be like ‘yes, Geyde is right, let’s execute Datbird’ (regardless of Geyde’s alignment) unless they were already very confident of getting a mislynch off, which would imply that all the major wagons that have been brought up are V, which seems unlikely particularly since vote counts aren’t public. Since no one did jump on that, that suggests that scum is for whatever reason choosing not to push you, when in the world where you’re town you’d be an easy mislynch, and the most likely explanation for that is that you’re scum. Since his push was relatively weak the normal ‘but scum would defend their buddy’ arguments don’t apply.

but the thing is no push today has really had any movement other than like Jgoes and PKR/Priestess, and even then that last one didnt last more than like 30 posts. Today has been slow with like barely any pushes. Its been actually just boring with wall post after wall post. Nothing in this game has just really sparked thread movement at all. Maybe its lack of Wim from everyone maybe its the post restrictions. Nothing today makes sense. I cant say your wrong, no one pushed me other than like Vulgard liking it and you and disquieted.

I mean there’s a point between relaxing and trying to solve. And I don’t feel like you’re interested in hunting wolves at all? I guess the better thing would be to say you’re asking questions but I’m not sure how they help you in reading people, you seem to be asking them for the sake of asking.

I know this means I’m kind of walking back the question about the spiciest read, and that’s fine but I don’t see a follow-up after it and you’re in the thread and I don’t know what you got out of it. It was nice for me as a staging point but I’m not sure how it helped you and I don’t see how it helped you. That’s similar for a lot of stuff.

PoisonedSquid, what’s the point of the post? It’s weird. I get it. But is it wrong?

Seeing the above post. You don’t need to respond right now, let me think a bit.

What I got out of it was nothing, you pretty much said you had no spicy reads, would rather help Arete (which is fine), and the few reads you have are the consensus. Its like the most boring of answer, and didnt help me at all. Did I not push on you after for the most generic answer ever. Yeah I didnt, but I kind of just havent had the spirit to do so. Like I like a good scumread to get me posting so this has been a bit of a picker upper in the boringness of this match.

So like, I have a few problems with this:

  • Your demeanour waffles between “relaxed” and “uneasy”. These are two very different emotions!
  • You just noted that very few people were pushing on you. By all respects you were in one of the more relaxed positions in this game.
  • If you’re “trying to be relaxed” in a gamestate where you “think the game is boring and slow”, what sort of villagery position are you taking here? Like what I’m seeing is a bit of probing, and a few pieces of mechanical advice here and there, which is quite, um, hands-off.

It is kind of a bit weird, yeah. I know I’m going to be a hypocrite for saying this, but… I mean, I prefer arguments that can’t also be used against the user in question because of matching actions between the accuser and accused. I know it sounds confusing and I don’t expect you to understand it, but hypocrisy is hypocrisy no matter the reason behind it

Cause I want to relax cause schools been a pos, and Im trying to enjoy my time on here when I can

Yeah… and that furthers this how?

Im trying to relax and play the game, asking questions further my reads and probe people that I want to further figure out their slot

Yeah hands off and relaxing. Still dont get your point.

Well, since you’re here, do you mind giving us your thoughts on the gamestate? I feel like I’m not seeing the normal Datbird Who Just Speaks His Mind this game.

dat if you wall your dead to me

This is going to be my last post, I’m tired me and Katnze has spent the last 30 minutes joking in our PM about a fox

I haven’t made a vote yet, I trust katzne to vote who they thinks is scum



Gamestate wise, I have couple SRs. We got Priestess and I guess PKR by nature. Her wallpost on me was just full of just shade and pushing her agenda that Luxy is evil and ur not since she townreads you.

Honestly we got Jgoes v Marshal from yesterday, that Im TvN reading atm. Is it bad Im liking Jgoes from all those posts, and then we have Marshal who i keep fucking flip floping on. His RT in the begininng i dont see coming from scum, but his heavy use of scumreading anyone and everybody that scumreads him is kinda just like on my nerves. They make me not want to townread him even though my gut say hes fine.

We have Geyde and Luxy who so far a lot of their content has been superb, and it makes me want to townread them, but due to me constanttly misreading both of them see Clown Fiesta and my great quote from SFOL 53? the syndicate one. I cant read these two for shit. The best bet for now is to put them at a slight townlean and don’t let them leave without being 100% sure on my read.

From you reads I have enjoyed your content, and i think i can easily put you in trs

Honestly couldn’t remember a thing Katnze or FK has done but the marshal push, theres just not much to go off of for me to properly get a read

We have Maxi and Astand, one has a N0 check on the other. Like my gut said Maxi’s RVS in the begining to get Nerbins to speak felt off to me, but if I trust my opinion on Astand then the both should be fine

Simon feels so weird, his most memorable thing was the scumread on pkr for outing he had a post restriction but Im guessing read it as power role. Like i messaged him about it, but he hasnt been here since. I want to know why PKR claiming a PR even if it was a power role why he’d be worried.

Also like I really dont like this post why do you need this.

Kai is obv town i dont have to explain just read his posts

The rest of the slots have kinda been boring and can be like one sentenced. Shurian, forgettable. Vulgard Squid, forgettable, Derps, he was lost in wall posts, Maxwell, i think i saw like 2 posts. Jake and Alice, I like Jakes big post but Alice being quiet worries me even if it may be out of her control. Merc, i didnt lke her aggresive post on nerbins. Nerbins, orignally didnt like their og post but their more recent ones have been good

oof. I must commit sudoku. Game state posts cant be small

For all purposes, I will now talk as if they and their hydra persons are people with split personality disorder. Especially when I look at PKR and Priestess, they remind me of a two-headed snake screaming and hissing at each other… I wanna make my opinions known on them.

PKR and Priestess are like, the weirdest. We have on one hand PKR who’s acting like he can confirm himself, and then Priestess is… Priestess… I can’t see where they’re heading.
@PokemonKidRyan you do realise that mechanical confirmation isn’t- Oh, you claim some gun thingy.
Now, I have just one phrase to put this slot.
“What, the Fuck?”

I’m also looking at DatBirb now and I’m like
I can see all sorts of smoke coming up from the Birb.
Were you being pushed or something? Why that reaction? Am inclined to think

I’m loving disquieted’s posts right now. They pose a lot of questions that are really good for us to learn from. I’ll treat Arete/Disq as the same person, thus I’ll put them in a TL slot.

I’ll treat all non-imperiumforum players here as guides and move on tbh.

And… Crunching Popcorn.
Guys, how do I not wallpost with a really horrible PR today? Do I just go past the PR? It’ll make it a lot more easier tbh, but losing a vote is bad. Ninth post iirc. And… my PR was reduced at SOD. Ridiculously as well. >_>

I CANT READ ANYMORE HELP. I thought Kai was just full of it when he said he can’t read, but god today my head isn’t working.
Sad Durian noises.

reasons that if explained ruin it. also i kinda just wanted alice to post so doubly.

what are you talking about?

Ohhhhh my God


This is like the fourth game in a row where you’ve responded to being scumread by writing a hedgy wallpost

we all know that your scum meta is writing hedgy wallposts when you get scumread

I was going to write a post here about not lynching PKR cause he has a confirmable role that adds town KP regardless of his alignment but I started writing it and kind of realised the reasoning sucked.

So uh. Hm.



“boom bye scum”
reaction tests

boom bye scum

/dayvig Dat