[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

you cant make this up

*gayvig dat

im back nerds btw

Great, thoughts on the Dat situation?

ermā€¦ ill probably have to read more on dat rn.

Arete Im done, you wanted a game state post i delivered. Like what am i supposed to give you. Was I supposed to not discuss people in game. Like i dont get it. I get it Dats done this as scum but ur asking for a particular post that cant be really short. Its like here do a thing you do as scum, if you dont do it we are gonna sr you, if you do do it you get scumread. im getting emotional over absolutely nothing and its pissing me off. Gonna step back come back in twenty minutes and try to calm down

Well im here for a bit; too exhausted to analyze the couple hundred posts iā€™ve missed but up for interacting while iā€™m here before EoD

if it ainā€™t broke

If you do not want to read the entire thing, make sure you read the Priestess section.

Since this gamestate is so fucking confusing and I really canā€™t gain anything out of it, Geyde told me to go back to the PoE and this is where weā€™re going from.

Given that we completely agree with Areteā€™s towncore except maybe Merc, weā€™re not going to lynch them today. Additionally, Arete has actually engaged with our posts, and given scum have shelved us (multiple people refusing to engage with our posts responding with little more than ā€˜I agreeā€™), we donā€™t think Arete should be lynched.

Merc has been improving and I especially liked where she picked up on Priestessā€™ horrendous post suggesting to me that they are not on the same scumteam.

DatBird brought up a really good point on Priestess here and for that alone we donā€™t think he should be the lynch today, anymore. We genuinely think he has been busy as he says.

Nerbinsā€™ reaction to Geydeā€™s backflip on him we believe makes him slightly more likely to be town as he questioned it a bit more than we thought he would as town, this is only a gutread from both of us, and he is still a possible lynch today (but really gives us nothing in terms of associations.

Maxwell is a valid lynch today, but gives us nothing. Slankvig should shoot this imo.

Jgoes is an interesting and valid lynch, it gives us quite a lot of associations, especially if he flips scum.

If Jgoes is scum:
Marshal is probably town due to their interaction being too genuine to be SvS in our minds at this time.
Priestess/Pkr is probably scum due to her hard defending of Jgoes, and constant attacks on Marshal
Pushes the Arete slot closer to the scumpile, due to her pushing on Marshal.
There are definitely more that I cannot remember off of the top of my head and are better to look at after Jgoes has flipped since we donā€™t have much time left.

The biggest problem I have with lynching Jgoes or Marshal is the possibility of a TvT leading to chain mislynches.

Marshal is being pushed back into the PoE for us because he has slowly been declining as the day goes on, as Arete pointed out. Also he gives us good associations again.

If Marshal is scum:
Arete is town, there is no way Scum!Arete pushed Scum!Marshal like that for the entire day. I know we said it was underwhelming at first, but her thought process has become more apparent as the day goes on and Areteā€™s interaction with my posts especially suggests shes not inclined to shelf us.
Jgoes is town, called out Marshalā€™s bullshit from the start.

Biggest problem with flipping this slot in my eyes is it leaves Priestess/Pkr unresolved. They could be whiteknighting Jgoes and trying to clear Priestess through the bus of Marshal, or Priestess soulread Marshal and is actually town. I would have no clue what to think of Priestessā€™ slot if Marshal flipped scum tbh.

This leaves Priestess/Pkr and we believe their slot is the must-lynch for today, as it breaks open the game in terms of associations in my mind.

Priestess has consistently, and unwaveringly, tried to discredit and shade our slot for the entirely of the game, which fits in the ā€˜we are getting shelvedā€™ idea. Discreditting:


ā€˜I want to push you but I canā€™t because PRā€™ is blatant shade/mislynch setting up and keeps priestess out of the spotlight for pushing on someone, and avoids cross-examination.

More shading, notice how she calls us dishonest, yet never follows up on it! As Mercenary pointed out, she is basically punishing town for making reads, which is VERY anti-town. She spends her time making wallposts on OTHER people after the she says weā€™re dishonest:

She has spent the entire game with a holier-than-thou attitude completely unlike in SFoL 53:

Vulgard pointed this out. She definitely desires thread control.

Also, notice how she consistently says she scumreads us and wants to make a case on us, but never actually does it?

This is textbook wolf shelving: Delay the read, Delay the read, Oh there dead now I guess I was wrong. She is avoiding any meanignful interaction.

Geyde also pointed out that priestess is a ā€˜sleeper wagonā€™: a lot of people agree with it but nobody is actually pushing for it or there isnā€™t enough discussion about it I guess (because we attempted to push it). This slight resistance and everyone agreeing is a textbook indicator that the Priestess wagon is on scum.

PokemonKidRyan has just been a null or game: his responses are reasonable, but he actually isnā€™t making any threadstate advancements. His claim can easily be a scum role, consider this:

This game is about learning different playstyles, and our role definitely helps us with that. I am tinfoiling that they are the mafia gunsmith who can only give to town thereby, eevee is teaching them how to misdirect town nightkills as scum which is a very strong scum ability. This teaches both Priestess, and Pkr how to misdirect which is a staple scum skill, which neither of them have AFAIK.

This may be reaching but I think its solid reasoning.

Associations if Priestess is scum:
Marshal is more likely to be town (not completely cleared since Priestess v Marshal may have been a bus by the aggressiveness and poor reasoning on both sides)
Jgoes is probably town from the whiteknight IMO.
Arete is further into the scumpile for the hard pushing on Marshal alongside Priestess.
There are a lot more assocaitions that I donā€™t remember again, and can be examined after she flips.

However, I truly believe I Priestess flip wins us the game here.

This is why Priestess/Pkrā€™s slot needs to be lynched today. It breaks open the entire game for us and their slot is individually scummy as well. She consistently tries to discredit us, she consistently shadethrows everyone, lies as Marshal pointed out (some were reachy as Arete said), pkr claims self-resolving with a role that Mafia could easily have, in a game about reads > mechanics and she consistently pushed an agenda back to Jgoes/Marshal, and does nothing to advance the threadstate. Everyone should vote Priestess.

Priestessā€™ slot is scum: kill it with fire.

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How do you feel about PKRs claim?

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Im very torn.

On one hand, i want to give em a chance

On the other hand: everythying presitess has said is scummy

imagine wacky mechanics like the post cap being enough to throw off your feel of a gamestate

we need to have some form of vote cohesion as there are probably a solid unmoveable 3-4 votes on me and if we split everything everywhere i will end up being the lynch.

Try to teach me, I dare you :stuck_out_tongue:

And Iā€™ll give the gun to whoever I think it should goā€¦ ahahahaha PKR is sleeping
Also I hate you that you did the ā€œhey Iā€™m claiming despite of anticlaimā€ post, I wanted to do it :sob:

Iā€™m just giving the gun to one of my highest townreads. Make the best use of it.

What in all world was this post? Ignore scumslips (in this case: from Marshal) :thinking:


This isnt even omgusā€¦ when did you push them earlier before they pushed you?

also i know its close to eod but im tired and just waiting for the results before heading off to bed, ive accepted i probably wont make significant progress, and i have enough post-space that i dont have to worry about reaching my limits. so im okay with fluffposting

ā€¦Okay, this post is really persuasive, not going to lie.

The biggest question itā€™s leaving me with is what associations you get out of a Priestess town flip.

Im okay with a CFD off of arete if it flips a scum and makes associations.

There should just be a plan

Probably 3-4 unmovable votes on PKRiestess as well, at this point.

Is there a Jester class in this?


Is she being trollboxxed?

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I wasnā€™t pushing him. I simply said ā€œyeah Geyde had bad reads d1 already in a few gamesā€ that was because I followed him blindly d1 in a few games and his reads were pretty bad and he admitted to it
then the whole ā€œyeah Priestess is shading me, sheā€™s 100% scumā€ thing. Without a real progression. Just this. Priestess is scum.

people are like ā€œwhen the host messes around with mechanics it stops being reliable, to show you reads > mechanicsā€
while im here just like ā€œif your assuming that the roles would do that in the first place your not doing it rightā€