[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Maybe what fruit you got depends on if you did an action last night. I did and I got a banana
Maybe the people who didn’t got mangoes
Also FYI I wasn’t told if my action was successful or not that’s probably important

You skipped FK’s question on that.

We have no-fruiters, bananas, mangos and papayas.

…you realize the vote could just silently count for zero correct?

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No fruit at all here.

Wonder if the fruit is just fluff or not.


Actually yeah this might just be some “don’t trust mechanics” crap from Eevee

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I know there is a fruit seller role or something similar maybe the breadmaker role on MU i think let me go check

But like half the players got fruits

Again, why are we assuming these are MU roles?

We just had an iPhone die.


MU roles are usualy the basis for a lot of mechanics in fm usually

We’re not supposed to be relying on mechanics here.

I’m pretty positive the fruit is a red herring.

I think someone looked at it the wrong way and it cracked.

@JakeTheWolfie are you avoiding my question? it wasnt super important but now im curious. did you or didnt you get a mango/other fruit apparently

wdym. you can both post at any time in hydra. its a body with 2 heads situation, not a body with 2 minds (second one only one mind can use a body at a particular time)
unless yours is different of course?

its obv low feedback. the whole “”“reads > mechanics”"" thing

no, its probably not just random. mechanics are consistent. they can be figured out and then counted on. the main place where it goes wrong is if you assume they work a particular way just because thats how theyve worked in the past. if your not prepared to have a mafia cop in a game without neutrals, rework your assumptions.

note i dont actually think thats in the game its just an example.

dont do this. this is incorrect. your making an assumption based on things outside this particular game.

So this one kinda just gives fruits and doesnt really do much other than the fruit seller say I visited blank and blank last night. Do u have fruit and fruit

Like I understand that, mechanics are bad just explaining my ideas atm for why I received a papaya and why does a banana remoe five times you can speak, while im unclear what the papaya did to me

you have any links that dont go to mu?

i can search for one sure


What do it have to do with the situation

because mr marshal asked a fuckin question shithead

I’m deciding not to answer, in case this could potentially narrow down what I am.

MK isn’t active, and they haven’t been active. I’ve been the one doing all of the work, basically.