[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Anyway I just noticed now
This feels off
as if Vulgard was already 100% sure of me being mafia

@MaximusPrime why did you vote JGOES?

I feel like Iā€™m not going to survive past this day. How is it that I always end up dying before the game ends as town?

Another question, why did you iso people in your second post did you do it hoping to be town read?

This feels like a loaded question. Of course I would do it to be town read. Everyone wants to be town read. Why does wanting to be town read make someone scummy?

Did you actually have any intention on clearing people based off your ISO?


I donā€™t know how to describe it

Your Iso took a lot of work

but just is the wrong places

thatā€™s pretty much what I felt

My intent was to read everyone and give as much content as I could. I donā€™t care if it is internally consistent. If I say ā€œX is reasonableā€ that doesnā€™t mean I agree with X.

You and me both kiddo.

Simon is obvtown off of their vote
I donā€™t think Simon is actually able to be pushed. TR on them is completely logical from both povs

Perspective slip is still a perspective slip no matter how you spin it as ā€˜I could be wrongā€™
Of course a grouping of 6/16 players that have reasonable scum equity in your mind would have at least one scum in them.

Your slot is going to be lynched because itā€™s in our PoE and you have reasonable scum equity given your interactions with a flipped scum.

Youā€™re trying to discredit us rather than actually correct our perspective
Youā€™re the one building worlds without flips

I canā€™t correct it if it is built on fallacies. Pretty simple. No matter what I say you will call me scum here, so I must as well ignore it and talk to the remaining players about more important matters.

But you didnā€™t ignore it
You built worlds off of it

Iā€™m ignoring the content of the post to summarize it on a geral assumption that it is unvalid.

So youā€™re discrediting us rather than trying to read us

@Marshal when did you vote PKR?

Both. I already said why I donā€™t see logic on this argument. It is a complicated matrix made to sound intellectual but in reality just made to push people.

Legit I think the way to solve is to find out when people voted where

Thatā€™s something thatā€™s missing in VCA here and if we have it, it becomes a lot easier to solve people based on when they did it

Like marshal seems wish washy on who he wanted to vote for end of day however heā€™s the third last vote on priestess, which means two other people voted right after him. That does mean he wasnā€™t talking with his partners on when to vote where, and it indicates they werenā€™t planning on acfually trying to save priestess even though they were suggesting CFDS.

And youā€™re doing the same thing that you say we are doing to you in this post itself

The reason Iā€™m interacting with you in the first place is to understand your perspective. But I donā€™t see a solving perspective now, and am continuing not to see a solving perspective. Youā€™re effectively putting everything we said in the dumpster just cuz

Why do you think that the Priestess wagon is not pure enough to consider my slot potential scum in the first place?
Why do you think that, beyond an individual level, Dat is town?

I donā€™t get your headspace, because everything that youā€™ve posted so far in response to my posts has been attempts to make my slot out to be an idiot by stapling ā€˜fallacyā€™ onto it.
The people I townread, you scumread.
The people I scumread, you townread.

You disagree with everything my slot believes.

And I want to understand the why
Because I donā€™t get that when I read your posts

What I do see is someone that is trying to outspeak my slot

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I alsop thought so, so I attempted to track when people made the reads pertaining to their votes (thatā€™s why it was full of IIoA shit). However I didnā€™t find anything useful ā€” all reads had a progression in a timely manner.