[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

no you are looking at it wrong

we want to know when people voted so we know if scum tried moving their votes around

if it helps i would be willing to mediate somewhat as a third party. you both agree im town so neither of you should think im siding with the other person.

mercenary, you are saying that the the most recent luxy-wall is based off logical fallacies, and therefore should be discarded out of hand, yes? i know youve already sorta put this out there but could you restate your reasoning for this point in one consise post please? im going to ask you to requote and directly explain anything you are claiming. no ā€œjust go look at it yourself and youā€™ll seeā€

normally in matters of reading im not to good at deciding, but since one of your arguments is claiming logical fallacy i feel i might be able to help

Yep, that was what I tried to do.
Asking people directly seems more effective tho, lmao.
We canā€™t know at which time the lesser wagons voted, but my vote was on Kai since he started spamming the thread with fluff.

PKR being the last vote on nerbins indicates that there were a couple scum voting there already so they felt safe trying to self preserve there

Iā€™m wondering when marshal voted though

Because depending on the time nerbins can look a lot worse though.

@Arete when did you vote?

@nerbins you too

What is an individual level?

I believe that PKRiestess was a easy wagon to jump into as a bus, as it wouldnā€™t see the light of life at D2 even if it survived D1, and would just make the people who voted the counterwagon Nerbins above it more suspicious. Beforehand I thought that almost all scum were invested in the Nerbins wagon, but rethinking stuff it would be more benefitial to them not to try to salvage PKRiestessā€™ slot.

Iā€™m fair with we having different reads, I just think that pushing me for it is too much.
Which one of them do you want to know about?

are you assuming that the votes are in the order in which people voted?

Thatā€™s how they usually are

yes but in this case all votes are processed simultaneously.
thats also a mechanical assumption. and eevee doesnt like people making those.

plus, i voted when there were only a couple hours left in the day

What time was that though?

i dont know the exact time out of hand, and giving the exact time from my rolecard feels angleshooty

@Geyde this isnā€™t OOGI right

like, itā€™s part of the game right

Maybe it was also a last second decision to frame the wagon.

Most of it are weak arguments that arenā€™t AI even being scummy behavior (townies often act on scummy behavior because they simply donā€™t care how they will be read). I also feel that LuxyGey only pointed at my bad points not considering the good ones or trying to see what was my thought line at the time.
The fact that they also did it kith FireKatz pinged me out that it was being done on purpose.

Itā€™s basically voting in your PM

itā€™s the same thing as voting in the thread but no one knows about it

I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with it

Around 30 minutes before EOD

That would mean nerbins votes after you then arete

Why would nerbins wait that long to vote

Also, I asked eevee a while ago but people who passt their PR still show up on VC

I canā€™t do math but I remember voting close to end of day. Is it angleshooting to say exact time?