[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

It was a whole matter of confusion that has been resolved.

Also, as I said before, my role card is kind of vague.

This post was the reason for the confusion. By your most recent message, it kind of sounds like you donā€™t understand what happened in this interaction between Derps and I. Do you?

We donā€™t care about what happened between you and Derps.

Which one is it?

You gave the feedback youā€™d supposedly seen on Astand, Derps implied that you were missing some of his, you suggested that in fact what had happened was that you only got a piece of feedback.

As my Hydra just pointed out, the important thing here is that you said pretty unequivocally that you got all feedback, then later said that wasnā€™t true. There are players I could buy mixing up how their ability works but you arenā€™t one of them.

I believe strongly that the first of those quotes is the truest as I sincerely doubt there is anyone who can both rolecop and follow in the same night.
It is absolutely confirmed if there is a typo in my role card where a word listed as singular is supposed to be written as plural. I believe that this is a typo. I did then and do now. And now I have another reason to still believe that because thereā€™s no way there is someone who can both rolecop and follow in the same night, and I donā€™t see the ability of me to detect multiple, but not all investigatives, to be a possibility.

This only would have been the case had Derps been on Astand, which I misinterpreted him to have been when he was not.

I still have every reason to believe that it is true.

So yes, I do detect any and all investigatives on my target, and if no investigatives target them, I receive one completely randomized piece of feedback.

Quick question, Maxwell, can I get your thoughts on the rest of the Nerbins wagon?

Please elaborate. Iā€™ve been absent for most of this game.

Lynch Merc -> Maxwell/Jake -> DatBird and probably win the game unless Arete/Disquieted is scum.
Thatā€™s my take.

Nerbins is probably town considering it was the scum-directed counterwagon D1. No way there were two scum wagons considering how differently I read the people on the PKR wagon and the Nerbins wagon. Nerbins is probably spewed town because of that wagon, I believe (upon re-evaluation).

Game-winning PoE has been established. I thought about this again but I donā€™t believe anyone is miscleared, so letā€™s just go with what we have.


I blame post limits

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If anyone wants to change my mind about my PoE then please do so, because I really donā€™t want to screw up again and end up with a PoE that contains 0 scum or 1 at best.

Your PoE is definitely flawwed. It contains 2 town.

Which 2 do you think are town?

Presumably you are referring to yourself as one of the town.
So who is the other? DatBird, Arete/Disquieted, or me?

It could potentially be you. However, I do need to re-read you.

So youā€™re confident there are two town in Vulā€™s PoE, but you donā€™t know who they are? Why canā€™t there be fewer than two?

sorry guys, was swamped by hw and was unable to be on and thatā€™s my fault

but im back and should be able to be active since i got most of the urgent stuff taken care of sooo yay?

but seriously, iā€™ll be lurking until i see something i feel like i need to respond or comment on so ping me if you want my feedback on anything so i can make up for lost time