[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Happy haloween guys, for that reason, I will double your post limit.

And also cause this game sounds dead af and my spectators chat is bored so they forced me


Double of Infinity is still infinity, my good sir.

@Marshal Your post size is now twice as big. How does this make you feel?

Hey Jake, since you have twice as many posts now, can you stop avoiding my questions?

Yeah, when I wake up

Holy shit, we have 15 hours.

ok, answers time.

I’m not confident, but I feel like it is definitely possible.

With me in there, it just can’t be fewer than 1.

Have some butterflies for the butterfly godess

If you’re not confident in there being two town in the PoE, why did you write this post and phrase it the way you did?

If I was confident, it would be TMI.


Hey, why are you evil?

Nezumis are good
The Tomorrow is utterly evil.

Well, the post sounds confident to me, which is why I’m asking you to clarify. Can you explain why you wrote it the way you did?

Because if I smashed my head on the keyboard, you wouldn’t understand me.

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Hja’s spiritual sucessor

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You said ‘It contains two town.’ Why did you say this?

Because it contains two town

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Hey Merc, is Maxwell bussing you?

Ask the 8ball

@discobot is Maxwell bussing me

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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@discobot 8ball is Maxwell bussing me

@discobot display help