[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory


Enough about that

Do you scumrread Marshal for this behavior?

the focus isnt on you scumreading him. the focus is on you ganging up and suffocating him

I don’t think he’s mafia, but it will become obvious to us if he’s a neutral of some kind later depending on who he kills.

There’s a difference between suffocating and wanting him to give better arguments. I said multiple times that I wouldn’t do this if he actually re-thought his arguments and made them better, however he said that he was re-reading the thread and then he changed nothing about his bad arguments.

I don’t remember if I said this, but one of the things I was thinking about Jake is that he put a lot of effort into his read list but he placed the effort into the wrong things


Please do not work on translating chineese hentai in your rolecard.

If anyone tries to do it again, they will be removed from the game.



Um… What?

im just trying to be clear when it appeared as if you were misrepresenting luxy’s argument to make yourself look better. your still allowed to defend yourself but it feels dishonest to shrink down luxy’s argument like that.

i think this feels like you distancng somewhat. like if he’s lynched you can take credit but if he’s not you can avoid blame. it seems to be done in a way that would make someone think that your a town who doesnt know marshal’s alignment, and this will keep you looking towny whether he turns out mafia or not, but it comes off more as whether he’s lynched or not, regardless of his alignment. does that make any sense?

bet you someone has that in their role picture, and was trying to decode it so they could give it to someone else as a soft-confirm.

My first post of D2 was saying the exact same thing I said here

Maximusprime and Shurian literally disappeared off the face of the earth


Where are you?

What… the fuck

Whoever this is deserves an award.

Like what the actual fuck.

“What did you learn in Mafia Academy?”

“Oh, Priestess is Hitler and someone tried translating hentai!”

I can’t wait to show off my new skills~

Why are you bolding my name in red.
The point Geyde made on me (that I was shading everyone who could get lynched) was so objectively false I thought it was a reaction test.
All I did today was to clear two people who I nulled and town got accused.
OFC no one commented on Simon. But when it was DatBird, you + PoisonedVulgard RAINED on me.
@Kirefitten @katze @arete @disquieted @astand @Marshal What do you think about it since iirc you guys were online a the time.

I think he brought up some good points:
You should convince us you are town
Also I suspect maxi for the hentai.

hihi i’m here now

apologies bc i was super busy over the weekend with all of my hw and literally forgot this even existed

im here now if u wanna ping me for shit, and i think im gonna use less wallposts bc they destroy my will to live and also bc i wasn’t even close to my pr yesterday

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Which “associations”? The entire discussion on PKRiestess reduced my WiM so madly I couldn’t bear it and instead replied to players who weren’t interested on that as well.

How was Jake reading PKRiestess at the time?


This is what you are doing

His arguments ARE objectively bad. Just ISO him.

Mercenary did these exact pre-flip associations and chain-mislynch setting up in JOAT9 as scum. Guess who else did that to us this game? You.

I’m not accusing you in any sense, I’m just showing how your HBA was objectively bad and how this point is as well. You are accusing me of something you are doing yourself.

I only read the most recent posts and whatever pings me in my notifications table. I open the thread, I see comment, I comment about it if I’m feeling like it.

Lmao I’m scum for not sheeping.

Yes, I said should be because I’m not an all-targeting cop and more than half of this PoE are composed of nulls.

I cleared two people no one was interested in clearing today.

You + poisonedvulgard are only accusing me of Dat and completely ignoring how I’m on Simon. Cherrypicking should be convenient.

No, that’s lack of time because it is infeasible for me to ISO everyone again each day with my schedule.

It is future reference. I’m tracking progression.

I also forgot to put Marshal today, if it is somehow indicative to you.

It was before the PKRiestess time (where I decided to wash my hands on them), where PKRiestess was relatively townread. I thought she was townie here because of her activity and proactivity.

“I’m not posting it all to save space on the thread, if you want to know something just ask me about it”

You are slightly town to null, and that’s because you pushed a hydra that was easy to bus anyway. You aren’t townread.

No one was making a serious conclusion on you instead of “townread because of effort”. I fail to see how is that AI.

I thought it was an obvious reaction test as he did with me yesterday because I’m not doing that at all.

Mafia works the opposite way, buddy.