[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Signups (25/X) - BACKUPS ACCEPTED


Ladies and gentelman, we are proud to announce series of games which are hosted with target of improving our sites general mafia ability.

If you are interested in improving own playstyle, join ahead.


  1. Games are crafted for learning and in no way are gonna be considered a very competitive setup. They are gonna be balanced to the best of our ability, but learning value is more important than blance.
  2. Exact game rules are gonna be given on gamestart as might change depending on who joins.
    Setup is closed.
    Phases are 48/24.
    Anticlaim exists.
    That’s all which is known for now.
  3. Some of you will be assigned a hydra partner.


  1. Arete & Disquieted
  2. Astand
  3. Luxy & Geyde
  4. Simon
  5. Kai
  6. Shurian
  7. DatBird
  8. Priestess & PKR
  9. Marshal
  10. Vulgard & Squid
  11. Katze & Firekitten
  12. Derps
  13. Maxwell
  14. Jake & Alice
  15. Merc
  16. Jgoes & Chemist
  17. Maximus
  18. Nerbins


Hey look, the game that’s right for me!

It’s not like you knew it’s coming for over a month now.

This probably means roles are crafted purely to fuck with people heads, so youd learn to value mech less.

Like backup jailkeeper without jailkeepers, 2 town firefighters and town arso in that turbo.

I will spectate if possible.

astand come play with us

Will eevee write an essay on how everyone should improve or something?

But ok,

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I can’t believe I asked for a Forum Mafia Academy and eevee gave it to me

Dont guarantee trying too hard.

or, to be more careful in how you perceive your mechanics.

if you want to learn to how to not use mechanics mountainous or a variant is basically your main option. otherwise, even in setups as you’ve described, mechanics can still be a quite useful tool

Innocent child that reveals upon death! Innocent child that reveals upon death!

Im not saying they are not useful tool, of course, if not used combined with BS reasoning, but I kinda doubt this will be a high power setup, so Ill probs pay attention to only cop checks or something tbh.

And maf will have good fake claims provided 100%.

Getting your mechanical talk out of the way so you don’t do it during the game and get lynched? :stuck_out_tongue:

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even host-given fake-claims can be fact-checked with mechanics that arent investigative if done right

ah, that’s my secret, you see. i am a never ending source of mechanical talk

Well good luck doing that in eevee game that he probably designed specifically to combat that.

i mean thats literally what ive specialized in, more or less, so i’d hope i could do a decent job of it.
theres certain requirements that are quite vague so ill leave them out

Please try and make reads this game and not focus on mechanics :stuck_out_tongue: