FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Is Firekitten the last half?

Also Lose Lose
Lose: Lynching Town
Lose: losing the info from the flip today and tomorrow

no the last half is ici

Nope because I am the AG. I take your class

Soz dood

Aww. I thought it was either FK or Sam :frowning:

If you think i’m just gonna sit back and be mislynched you have another thing coming buckaroo

Wow, since when i am a half?

I must protect my mislynch virginity with my life

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Never. I was wrong

Lamist moments

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You have found all of them because you know them since you are scum :thinking:

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LAMIST? more like URSCU

can you please not leave me hanging
ask me what urscu is

I thought you forgot an “M” Like URSCUM

damn it sam you beat me to the punch line of my own bad joke

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i will now go die with my fatal case of ligma

K bye

wow harsh boruto

Agreed insult to injury if you are going to die we might end your suffering