FM: Ministry [Spies Win]


Politics. Greed. Intrigue. Cocaine. Backstabbing. Corruption. Cocaine. Betrayal. More Cocaine. Welcome to the Ministry: a place of cowards, criminals and corrupt politicians. No one is safe - for no one can be trusted. Holding the right position at the right time will lead you to victory. But know that power is fleeting, attempting to hold onto it is futile.

Welcome to FM Ministry

This game is Smalltown. This means all roles, but not alignments, are always revealed. When you are given your rolecard you are also given your alignment.

Special Mechanics

  • At the start of each day all players will rotate roles. For example, Player A receives Player B’s role, Player B receives Player C’s Role, Player C receives Player D’s role. Player N would receive Player A’s role.
  • The exact new role distribution will be announced each morning, as will any changes to the distribution throughout the day. The order of the role distribution is fixed, and is referred to as the Cabinet.
  • Any dead players or roles are excluded and dead forever. They are no longer included in rotation in any form.
  • Remember: alignment never changes, only role.


  • This is a 14 Player game with 11 Politicians (Town) and 3 Spies (Mafia).
  • Spies have access to both Day and Night chat.
  • This game is flipless. Only your current role, not your alignment, will be publicised upon your death.
  • Additionally, there are no last wills or deathnotes, and cause of death will not be publicised.
  • Days are 48/24.
  • Majority lynch is always in effect.
  • There is a Day 1 Lynch.
  • All dead players are added to SpyChat for memes.
  • The thread will not be locked at night time. Instead we will be using an honor system using a 3 strike policy. If you twi-light post during night time 3 times I will be forced to replace you out.


Alignments are as follows:

11 Politicians
3 Spies

Alignment Cards


You are loyal to the Ministry. You have a nice, comfortable life there and enjoy it’s many perks. You can’t risk anyone else taking control or your countless secrets may be outted.

Goal: Kill all Spies.


You detest everything about the Ministry. You aim to put an end to it’s corruption once and for all. You must weaken the Ministry and remove all who oppose you so you and your fellow Spies can rule the Ministry in peace.

Each cycle one Spy may perform a factional night-kill in addition to their normal action.
You have access to a night and day chat with the other Spies.
The other Spies are XXX and XXX.

Goal: Kill all Politicians or make it so their deaths are inevitable.


As afore mentioned, all players rotate down the Cabinet at the beginning of each day, after any deaths have occurred the night before. Once someone dies with a role, the role they had is removed from rotation and the dead player no longer receives a role.


Passive Roles:

Prime Minister

You are the Prime Minister. After years of working your way to the top you have finally made it. You have grovelled at the feet of lesser men for too long. It is YOUR time to shine. You are untouchable - the entire Ministry must bow down to your god-like presence. The mere suggestion that anyone could rise up against you is laughable. But remember: nothing can last forever.

You are immune to being lynched.


You are the Chancellor. It’s true you always wanted to be the Prime Minister. Being so close to complete and utter power would make any man jealous. You aren’t bitter though - you know you still form an essential part of the Ministry. You understand how the ministry functions like no one else - only you truly know what’s what.

Upon a players death you are privately informed of their alignment.


You are the Speaker of the house. You have no political allegiances, no feuds to settle, no machinations in the night: you are simply there to retain peace and order within in the Ministry. That comes with certain benefits of course - no one dare slander your good name. Unlike those other cowards who call themselves ministers, you are an honest man without a speck of dirt on you. Or at the very least, a very good liar.

You are immune to death of all forms except lynching.

Day-phase Roles:


You are the cunning Deputy. For too long have others looked down upon you, scorned you, for your lack of real power. They’ll see. How quickly the tables can turn - all it takes is a handshake and perhaps a bribe or two to rise up in the Ministry. One day you’ll be laughing down at the new Deputy, scorning them as you were once scorned. Your rise to the top will be swift - perhaps so your fall.

Every day-phase you may swap your role with that of another player.

Chief Whip

You are the feared Whip. The entire Ministry rues the day you knock on their door, for everyone knows nothing can save them from your swift retribution. You must keep the powerful in check - let no one think they are above the Ministry. For no one can avoid your judgement, not even the Prime Minister them-self.

Every day-phase you may remove any immunities from a player until the following day.
This also negates any immunities placed on your target until the following day.

Night-Phase Roles:

Transport Minister

You are the Minister for Transport. It’s true transport is by far the most boring job, a fact you accept with a heavy heart. But never discount the transport system, the entire Ministry could collapse if it were to go awry. Your actions may well decide the fate of the entire Ministry: but take care, for you may well end up causing more harm than good.

Every night-phase you may swap two targets. Everyone targeting one will be redirected to the other for tonight and tomorrow.
You may not target yourself.

Education Minister

You are the Education Minister. You spend your days inspecting schools. It’s not pretty nor glamorous nor at at all interesting, but it must be done nonetheless, and you value your job above all else. Besides, it’s not all bad - having never been to school like most other ministers, you are able to catch up on a missed Education. You are now without doubt the most educated minister at the table - your knowledge astounds all.

Every night-phase you may compare the alignment of your target to whoever the Education Minister previously checked.
You aren’t informed of who was previously checked, only if your target is compatible or not.
You may not target yourself.

Justice Minister

You are the Justice Minister. Bringing criminals to justice is your bread and butter. Some call your methods draconian, but you know better, sometimes the only justice is death. Contrary to popular belief you aren’t a total monster - your methods take careful time and planning.

Every night-phase you may poison a target. They will die after 2 nights.
They are not informed.

Housing Minister

You are the Housing Minister. People often misunderstand your job. They think your aim is to help provide affordable housing. In reality you know you must do the exact opposite - keep blocking those who demand housing for all. After all, you must put the Ministry first. Overtime your ability to hold back the public has reached new heights - you are the ultimate legislative blocker.

Every night-phase you may roleblock a player, preventing them from acting for today and tomorrow.

Health Minister

You are the Health Minister. Sure, you know nothing about Medicine. Nor even Science for that fact - you studied Philosophy. But after your “agreement” with a friend in the Pharmaceutical business you are rich beyond your wildest dreams, so does any of that really matter?

Deciding what to spend your earnings on was simple, you just looked at what previous ministers had done. Cocaine. Not only does it help you stay alert, but you’ve even started a small dealer business to your fellow ministers on the side. Life has never been better.

Every night-phase you may make your target immune to all sources apart from lynching for tonight and tomorrow. This includes death immunity, roleblock immunity, redirection immunity, and roleswap immunity.
You instantly cure yourself of Poison, you are not informed.
You may not target yourself.

Immigration Minister

You are the Minister of Immigration. You have the keenest eyes in the land. You’ve always loved watching people, ever since you were a child. At times this has gotten you in trouble with the law - all a misunderstanding of course, nothing a few of your father’s cheques couldn’t clear up.

The last time you were caught, however, you were given an ultimatum by the authorities - face hard-time in jail for breeches of privacy, or become the Minister of Immigration. It turns out you actually have a lot of the necessary qualities to fill the job: you excel at tracking people, are essentially a criminal, and are a closet racist. Perfect.

Every night-phase you may select a target to see all their visitors.
You may not target yourself.

Defense Minister

You are the Minister of Defense. They say the best defense is an offense - you take this to the next level. Why protect the country when you could hurt others? Your enemies love calling you a “loose-cannon” but it’s just a facade you like to present. In reality you are cold and calculating and will stop at nothing to hurt those who wish to harm the Ministry.

Every night-phase you may kill the first visitor to a player. You do not prevent visits to your target.
The first visitor is determined by the highest up role in the Cabinet to visit your target.

Trade Minister

You are the Minister of Trade. Your success comes from the fact you, perhaps alone among all the Ministers, embrace change. You love it. Not only is it useful for tipping and, in larger quantities, for bribing, but it is essential in understanding how the Ministry functions.

Every night-phase you may make the the roles rotate by twice instead of once the following morning. It will be announced if you have done so.
You must target your-self to do so. This counts as a visit.

Any-phase Roles:

Attorney General

You are the Attorney General. You have overseen the grimy underbelly of the ministry for years. You may not be a minister, but whenever they are late, fired, or off their face on cocaine it is you who must fulfill their role. As such, no one in the Ministry is as flexible as you.

Every cycle you may assume the abilities of one deceased role.
You may not assume the abilities of the Prime Minister.

The order the roles rotate in is fixed, and is referred to as the Cabinet. Every morning each player will rotate down alongside the Cabinet list. The order of the Cabinet never changes - only where is each player is in it.

Where players are in the Cabinet (essentially their current role) will be announced each morning, and will also be updated regularly in the OP.


Prime Minister
Immigration Minister
Defense Minister
Housing Minister
Attorney General
Justice Minister
Chief Whip
Education Minister
Trade Minister
Transport Minister
Health Minister

Interactions // Clarifications

Before the game starts feel free to ask as many questions as you like in-thread if it has not been answered below. However, once the game has started I will ignore all questions directed at me if in-thread - please use your class card PM.

Interactions and Clarifications

This covers the majority of questions about the set-up.

  • This game has very limited feedback. You are told if: You attempt to investigate as the Education Secretary and are unable to complete the action on any night other than N1; You were unable to complete a day-action; Your day-action was redirected; or if you’ve died. Other than investigative results this is the only feedback you receive.
  • All actions are done via-PM. This includes day-actions, as both the Transport and Housing Ministers affect day-actions.
  • All cards are rolled using RNG and have no bearing to alignment or player.
  • As previously stated, roles rotate in the morning after any deaths have occurred. This means if you die at the end of the night your current role is the one you acted with that night, and it is also removed. As deaths occur before roles are switched this also means the new Chancellor in the morning does not receive information about the alignments of flips, the Chancellor during the night does.
  • All day actions are announced in-thread by a Host. This also means if the Attorney General uses the ability of either the Chief Whip or the Deputy it will be announced. If the Attorney General assumes any other role it will not be announced.
  • Each rolecard may be used once per cycle. This means the Deputy can switch with someone’s role and then use the ability of their new role. As the Deputy role has already been used the new Deputy cannot use their ability.
  • If you are poisoned and later assume the Health Minister you will be cured of your Poison.
  • If the Health Minister targets someone the night they should die to poison they live as are immune. However, the poison is not cured, only delayed, and they’ll die the following night if not made immune again. The same applies if you are the Speaker when you are due to die to Poison - you survive the night as are immune, but will die the following night unless saved.
  • The Health Minister makes their target immune to the Deputy’s roleswap ability. If the Deputy targets the same person the Health Minister targeted their action fails. The Health Minister does not prevent the Deputy from swapping if they targeted the Deputy, only the Deputy’s target.
  • The Deputy swapping roles with another player will swap the two players positions in the Cabinet, not the order of the roles in the Cabinet. The order of the Cabinet never changes, only the players position in it.
  • The Trade Minister automatically targets them self if they want to use their ability. They can be redirected and roleblocked preventing their ability from activating. They also count as a visit with regards to the Defense Minister.
  • As the new Cabinet is announced each morning, it will be obvious to players if the Trade Minister used their ability the previous night. As such, it will be announced if the Trade Minister used their ability at the beginning of the day.
  • Unless it says so on the role, all roles can target themselves and will count as visits. This means the Defense Minister can target them-self. However, as it counts as a visit and the Defense Minister is very high up on the Cabinet, it is likely they would kill them-self in the process.
  • The Defense Minister cannot kill himself when visiting others however.


  • Express interest by /in or however you like.
  • Please only join if you think you’ll have time to participate. Thank you.


  1. Firekitten
  2. Marluxion - Killed N1
  3. PoisonedSquid
  4. Twil1ight
  5. Overthebin
  6. MtheJoker
  7. NuclearBurrito
  8. Margaret
  9. Htm - Lynched D1
  10. Luxy
  11. Sam17z
  12. Sweetycake
  13. Insanity
  14. Queen_Alfa

@Livicus is my co-host for this game.

Events // Current Cabinet // Graveyard:

Distribution of roles (Cabinet) at this moment:

Current Cabinet

Prime Minister - Queen_Alfa
Immigration Minister - Twil1ght
Defense Minister - Margaret
Speaker - PoisonedSquid
Deputy - Insanity
Housing Minister - Overhebin
Attorney General - MtheJoker
Justice Minister - SweetyCake
Education Minister - Sam17z
Trade Minister - NuclearBurrito
Transport Minister - Firekitten
Health Minister - Luxy

Notable Events:

D1 Start
D2 Start

Wanted: co-host

Desired credentials:

  • Be cool
  • Be active
  • Be able to do plenty of Vote Counts and the occasional Day-Action
  • Have a doggo as their pfp


Flipless game reeeee



I mean
If you insist mr. president, i suppose i will become the prime minister of the world

What a non specific rule.

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You could just PM Memesky or some shit. Lol

Anyway, I enjoy games with Politicial Theme.


Oh shit smalltown boys

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Would join but busy af rn

im prolly killing myself by joining one more forum games but /join




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Actually @Hippolytus /cohost? I need the practice

You aren’t a doggo



If he doesn’t give it to Memesky
