FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Take note of this

There are certain roles who should target specific roles

how do ya mean

Cuz, this game is pretty good for my strategies

I’ll explain day 2 after my death

but ur dyin today bucko

Sadly not m8, im the Prime Minister

And today and tonight are different things :wink:

Hello guys. What are we up to?

Bin is confirmed scum

I read you like a book

Nani? I was scum last game. What are the odds I’m scum again? Hmm

/Finger Of Suspicion OvertheBin

The same as everyone else

im not that lucky

3/14 = about 21%

Probability has no memory

rolling physician 3 times in a row in tol, I see your point. But not this game tho. I’m innocen

Ez scum found

/vote Bin

Reee. I’m town. Im just that good in acting scum. :lying_face: