FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Forum games? More like philosophy 101. :eyeglasses:

/Real eyes realize real lies. :eyes:

What if we’re all politicians and livicus just wants us to kill each other? Hmm

Oof I meant Hippolytus. :man_facepalming:

I received word this is explicitly, non-bastard.

I don’t understand but you sound angry. Sorry. :bowing_man:

Non-bastard basically means the host isn’t lying to you.

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I was being sarcastic for that post. Welp.


So as deputy, what should I do, take the best role of the most scummy person so they don’t have it anymore?

save your swap until right before eod in case we want to lynch the prime minister

I literally just came here from spreadsheet hell and I am not okay with whatever is occurring at this current moment. I’m scared, Marl hold me pls.

wait what is spreadsheet hell

Spreadsheet hell for my dragon hell. It’s not related to ToL in any way so don’t worry about it lel

dragon hell? intrigued :eyes:



Firekitten went into the shop for wagon?
/vote Firekitten
Get hooked, m8


i’ve successfully evaded those scumreading me

List your read list, quickly!

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