FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Accused Voters Count
Sam Insanity, Celeste, Marl, Luxy 4/8
Marl Sam, Nuke 2/8
Squid Litten 1/8
Bin HTM 1/8
Litten Twilight 1/8

Majority vote is 8 with 14 players remaining.

Can we lead wagon into Kitty? Pwetty please.

O yeeet

Thats me m8

If marl was scum he wouldnā€™t say this out loud, because all it does is hurts his team if he ever wanted to do this, as they would expect the results to be messed up.

This is scummy, the fact that he is instead using mumbers to defend himself, but the fact that he is new also may explain it. but Iā€™m watching you

Sam wanna explain why you ā€œpressuredā€ me and this stopped. This reeks of faking pressuring. Why werenā€™t you pushing harder on that naked vote.

Because I was very eager to push Marl after he confirmed and left

Do you still think he is scum?

I was on my way to work you dingleberry

but push me harder anyway senpai17z

Going to death tunnel @Marluxion EZ scum

What do you expect to get out of tunneling marl, Iā€™m wondering because I see much better people to pressure then him, plus the fact that he wouldnā€™t crack under pressure.

Ngl right now it seems like you are trying to make us think you are doing something productive so you seem less scummy

Also, why are you overreacting to RVS?

I was extremely tired and confused since I was staying up so late, my brain was a baked potato

So, that still doesnā€™t explain it. What do you think about sam?

Letā€™s seeā€¦ heā€™s giving me a weird vibe with his way of speaking and voting everyone like a wild card

What do you mean heā€™s giving you a weird vibe? Itā€™s RVS, so of course heā€™s going to vote someone random.

Explain the weird vibe, Also if heā€™s giving you a weird vibe why arenā€™t you voting
Him, are you his scum partner distancing fearing that itā€™s too late for sam.

He hasnā€™t been voting just one or two people though. Heā€™s been voting a lot of people with not much explanation on reads. The reason Iā€™m not voting right now is because I want to hear more from him before I decide what to do next

Itā€™s literally RVS, no one is going to have completly good reads, I do agree that him voting marl isnā€™t going to do anything. It seems like he is trying to seem like he is doing something.

Also if sam is scum, who do you think his most likely partner is?

To be fair, I believe htm would be the most likely scum partner because he just sheeped along him with no real explanation. Also, it could lead to a mislynch on Marl since Chancellor is a very important role and he would want to get rid of it as soon as possible

Okay we are getting somewhere, sam what do you think of htm?