FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

I’m gonna be honest with you here. I’m currently suspect you because of the reaction on this “bad bait” rather than being caught off-Guard.

The fact he purposely ignored squid makes me think they are on a possible scumteam tbh.

No but he was ready, also I asked for the word and it was politician. Not politician rolecard

Not OMGUS if I have a reason

So are you now only going to answer one persons argument and ignore squid?

Htm was clearly ready and i waited until he showed up again. Scum confirmed

I’m trying to read what Squid said but at the same time defend myself

Also he said politician allignement card when it was clearly the answer was politician. So gg. Htm is confirmed scum

Don’t defend yourself until you read squid.

Btw the reason I chose you is because I know you are lazy and do not read OP’s so you would not have seen the example factional role card in the OP. Thus more evidence that you are confirmed scum

Strangely accusing Sam of doing RVS…

Also overreacted to RVS.

I would say she is scum but she is normally a VI as town

Wow are you assuming my gender in 2018 soon to be 2019, and if you assume one’s gender you have to assume it right which you are doing the opposite. I am clearly a male

You are female now

Accused Voters Count
Sam Insanity, Celeste, Marl, Luxy 4/8
Marl Nuke 1/8
Htm Litten, Twilight, Sam 3/8
Bin HTM 1/8

So you are insulting my intelligence along with OMGUS along with backtracking. with more evidence and reasons that you are scum = confirmed scum

I did not do anything. There is an example politician rolecard in the OP

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Give me your thoughts on the whole thing

I’m talking about Squid not you

The thing is it wasn’t angleshooting. It’s like saying, asking somebody “did they get link into Chat” is angleshooting.

I don’t think what HTM did was a slip. It seems pretty NAI to me