FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

oh wait did Celeste sign in twice

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One slot remains.


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you already joined


@Marluxion you see this insult :wink:

how tf do you see that im serious

Magical Unicorns showed me the true power.

Litten when are you gonna tell us

Until I get mod :wink:

I will give you 5 gold coins

(and also throw you to an old cat lady if you don’t tell us)

@Solic @Icibalus you two backed up, would you like to join

Class cards will be sent in roughly 10 hours assuming we get one more join in that time.

also @orangeandblack5 do you reconsider


We’ll consider that as a join

No die

hmmm school is starting soon but this looks fun…


i still think i should sit this one out

I’ll /in this only if you can’t find another player, but you likely will

Hell no just moved man

Gotta get situateded

It’s been 10 hours

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