FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

The Ministers partied hard after the death of the Chief Whip. No one ever liked the Chief Whip, always teaching humility and other unheard of notions within the Ministry. Much Cocaine was had that night.

However, as morning rolled around one member was nowhere to be found

After searching hours all over the Ministry, the body of the Chancellor was finally found stuffed into a secret room with a double-mirror inside. What this mirror’s purpose is was of no concern to the panicking Ministers - their Chancellor, an essential part to Ministerial proceedings, was dead!

Marluxion has died

Marluxion’s position was:



You are the Chancellor. It’s true you always wanted to be the Prime Minister. Being so close to complete and utter power would make any man jealous. You aren’t bitter though - you know you still form an essential part of the Ministry. You understand how the ministry functions like no one else - only you truly know what’s what.

Upon a players death you are privately informed of their alignment.

A new day brings a brand new Cabinet!

New Cabinet:

Prime Minister - Queen_Alfa
Immigration Minister - Twil1ght
Defense Minister - Margaret
Speaker - PoisonedSquid
Deputy - Insanity
Housing Minister - Overhebin
Attorney General - MtheJoker
Justice Minister - SweetyCake
Education Minister - Sam17z
Trade Minister - NuclearBurrito
Transport Minister - Firekitten
Health Minister - Luxy

The Cabinet was swapped twice last night!

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Day 2 has begun. With 12 alive, Majority is 7.

@Insanity do you have anything to say for yourself?

Also someone switch roles with nuke, I checked him last night and I really don’t feel like nuke saying he’s compatible with someone

@Insanity tell us what you did last night it better be the first post you make, as well @Luxy switching roles would arguably be dumb especially as we need it to check nuke right now.

I think htm was scum HOWEVER, I don’t see why scum would attack marl then

If @SweetyCake does not post in 24 hours they will be replaced.

I made the cabinet swap two times last night.

Also, Attorney general should grab Chancellor


I can confirm that check btw

Also discuss the following possibilities

Marl was killed because htm was scum
Marl was killed because htm was Town and wants us to make us think he was scum.

I don’t see possibility 1 being that much of a possibility as it would be stupid to risk a mafia to kill him, especially if htm was mafia. If number one happened I will assume insanity will say something that I shall not tell you.

I didn’t do anything last night.

that is literally what I was going to say that you would say if nunber one happened.

either that or you would have said WIFOM.

Why didn’t you guard marl?

How the freak would I know Scum would attack Marl .-.

Also I don’t see scum being that confident in killing marl unless they know they would succeed, such as insanity being scum and told they wouldn’t guard, or scum occupied.


we literally told you to guard marl, no one was going to visit him besides scum.

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I miss it.

So…you are going to vote me?

Also, since the transporter has to visit said target and insanity would kill them, I assume that they would have a way to 100% make sure marl died, AKA THE HOUSING PERSON. COUGH.

I want you to tell us what you think of everyone, I’m more leaning towards you not being scum as I don’t think they would be THAT obvious, but I still want them reads.

Also /Vote Sweet in triple threat scum could puppet each other does it work here as well?

Well, currently in class.

I will be back maybe in like one and a half hour.

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