FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Nah, uni starts back so I’ll be too busy

days are 42 with majority itll be over by unis starting. I have the same thing which is why im doing it now even tho there are a few others running atm.


Send class cards or riot

Uni for me starts up tomorrow. Spring’s just started where I’m from :stuck_out_tongue: and we’'ve just finished mid-semester break

find 1 more person and I do

@Marcus_Doodalee play

Hipp0lytus is busy slaying hoes atm, otherwise he’d join

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I don’t approve.

@bazingaboy you’re a high IQ individual come play

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@Icibalus come and claim omnimiller again. You can’t do that if you’re not playing.

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@ConfustoLook come play and make beautiful notes again.

he already backed up

I will fill this game

good luck

being serious

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@Queen_Alfa come play, this time don’t roll scum so you’re not lynched :wink:

:thinking: Should I? I mean, I’m literally quiet scum and town is the problem lel

Join or riot.

Join or get demoted


Demoted from what? :thinking: I mean do you guys really want a shitty scum reader in this game? :^)

uh you can’t threaten the mom like that

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