FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Demoted from moderator


Of course we do, we wouldn’t have insert everyone in the player list here if we didn’t!

So long as you leave the broom at home yes :^)

Ok @Hippolytus we good

Nah, just keep playing more games and you’ll improve. Everyone starts out like that.

I’m dead or not playing any game so actually

/in lel


/support to Sarun


inb4 I roll scum again and I scream internally and externally


@Hippolytus send class cards or riot

All slots are now full

Well, people won’t know you’re scum until end of game. Flips are role only, not alignment

Don’t worry, Marcus, I know how you feel. I’m moving into my college dorm tomorrow and classes will start a few days after that

good luck

I came back home for the weekend after 2 weeks of college

which is why I actually have more time now

Rolling class cards and alignments now. No one post.


After years of cocaine, bribery, and illegal expenses, some said the Ministry had grown corrupt. Last year the Prime Minister claimed 2 Million pounds on expenses, claiming to have spent it on 9000 ping pong balls. Some were outraged. Some were jealous. Some sought to use the embedded corruption to undermine the Ministry from within. Together these dissenters joined forces to infiltrate the Ministry - they became known as the Spies. Their only aim - to destroy the Ministry once and for all. Can the Cabinet, led by the intrepid Prime Minister stop them? Only time will tell.

Current Cabinet:

Prime Minister - Margaret
Immigration Minister - PoisonedSquid
Defense Minister - Insanity
Speaker - Overhebin
Deputy - MtheJoker
Housing Minister - SweetyCake
Chancellor - Marluxion
Attorney General - Sam17z
Justice Minister - NuclearBurrito
Chief Whip - Htm
Education Minister - Firekitten
Trade Minister - Luxy
Transport Minister - Queen_Alfa
Health Minister - Twil1ght

Current Cabinet is also in OP at all times

Example PM in case of Angleshooting

Title: Ministry: NAME


Starting role:



Day 1 has started. It will end at 04:00 4th September unless majority is reached before then. Plurality is NOT in effect.

With 14 alive, majority is 8.



I have a day 0 scum check on

wait shit my class is revealed

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Ping pong balls. Hmm too much beer pong