FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

I mean, Fair enough. It got inactive at times thought, and Town fucked up. I compare it to this game on the basis that Town played bad, and that Town deserved that loss. I just hate this argument though tbh, cause it feels like you guys are going in circles with this :expressionless:

Town could have win by someone healing Alfa preventing me from occupying them then Alfa swapping twilight with squid/me

Also, people should be paranoid more tbh.

You cant trust Mechanical info all the time.

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Yeahā€¦ the overall trust in my ā€œconfirmationsā€ was too high imo (It felt nice but still)

No. Itā€™s more about praising about how good you were in this game when the truth was a little different. Eh, at least I know what Iā€™m going to do.

If it was an offensive that I questioned your win inactive game, my apologizes but Iā€™m not that type of person who would say winning in such games is a hard task to begin with and it should be treaten as same way when Evils actually did something that give them a credit for legit win.

Same with Town/Heavily Scum-sided setups.



It was literally the point when I just ā€œYou know fuck Town they donā€™t deserve a winā€.

I take offense to this. :eyes: Captain and I played fine that game.

It isnā€™t about individual wins. Its about if win was deserved or not.
Sure you can be happy ā€œHey! I win!ā€, but the thing is did you actually done something that would made you feeling you deserve it.

If you go into the mindset of ā€œTown doesnā€™t deserve to winā€ as Town, then that means youā€™re mentally gamethrowing. Loyalty and endurance helps you think in more strategic ways

That type of talking just crushes spirits

Honestly, you both played quite well. You deserve Town MVP in that game, while Captain played quite well. It jus came down to HTM being mafia doublevoter, and Marg being VI.

Also when you look at peopleā€™s profile I usually see Iā€™m the most replied to person :thinking:

It is true. But Iā€™m not with those who just give people wins when they did absolutely nothing to deserve it.

Sorry about that, partner. This is how I would say most of my wins in this site in nutshell. Maybe someday I will find the game that doesnā€™t struggle any of this.

Only true way is to blacklist certain people

Nah itā€™s more than about inactivity.

not that, itā€™s literally the fact some people donā€™t try

That is one of the other thing of course.

@Kirefitten sit down, be humble


Also where were you I pinged you two times and got squid to post a meme on the forums so you would hopefully notice my pings.