FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Yeah sure.

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Actually @Hippolytus I’ll cohost for ya

oh wait livi already did nvm /join

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This is kind of different so if anyone has any questions ask ahead.

(about the game don’t start asking me physics questions or some shit lol)


If there are three memeskys and somehow two died of memes how many are there left



Aww shit you don’t fit at least one of those criteria. mb




The theory of quantum supermemesition means that in your situation 2 of the memeskys are in a superposition of memeing and not memeing. Since there is a memesky for each possibility and 2 memeskys are in this situation that gives a subtotal of 4. Plus the final one is a grand total of 5 memeskys

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  1. Celeste is bad at Smalltown games
  2. I’ll try to do better no matter my alignment
  3. Make sure the host doesn’t leak other spies when flipping a spy
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If I were to present memesky with a series of yes or no questions and then not observe him typing then his answer will cluster around the provided options but only rarely would he say Yes or No. However if I tell him to answer the question while watching him with a gun his answer will collapse into a state of yes or no.

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What is the meaning of life



Total Corruption, Total POWER

The cookies are oatmeal raisin >:)