FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

also once again
you have no idea if i’m reading people or not
just because i’m not actively pushing a lynch doesn’t mean i’m not paying attention and trying to read people


Saying you wont mislynch anyone is LAMIST you egghead

Saying LAMIST things is my town tell
haven’t you read the book of marl yet

I dont think that was published yet

Don’t ignore my other questions, what do you think of htm and squid. Null is not allowed.

You are not allowed.

Squid is fishy
HTM is towny

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unironically squid is scummier than htm so far

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I already told you about htm you illerate stubborn human who is inhumane

I am joking btw no offence

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he’s not a human he’s a cat

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K what about squid, and I’m pretty sure you put htm as null

Can you make firekitten’s title illiterate because he clearly will not read my posts

Can i make your title “Carlton’s Freethrow Shot”

because you always miss

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You mean hack a shaq? Or shaq’s free throw shots?

No null, give me an answer.

Squid was throwing shade at htm and I and just agreeing with your points probs a scum that is blending in with your points and wanting to seem townie. Squid also has not been really contributing

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There now read that and be happy

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