FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Lesson learned: it’s easier doing a vote count for regular FMs compared to turbos.



I didn’t say we’re going to no Lynch

I just said I’m not going to be the one leading the d1 lynch, duh

Someone else can be wrong :wink:

/vote HTM

Accused Voters Count
Sam Insanity, Celeste, Luxy 3/8
Marl Nuke 1/8
Htm Litten, Twilight, Sam, Marl 4/8
Bin HTM 1/8

How awfully nice of you to reply to my last votecount post, Marl.


Btw I’m gonna do something tonight

I refuse to vote anyone other than sam

If htm is scum sam isn’t scum imo, as the fact is I don’t see htm distancing this early on, especially as he wasn’t getting voted that heavily, @Htm you still have yet to respond about squid.

/vote Sam

No point leaving my vote on someone who obviously isn’t getting lynched.

Whoever we are planning on killing we should put at L-2 or L-1

Accused Voters Count
Sam Insanity, Celeste, Luxy, Nuke 4/8
Htm Litten, Twilight, Sam, Marl 4/8
Bin HTM 1/8

With 14 people alive, majority is still 8.

O wow Sam voted himself

How is that even possible?

not anymore

@Sam17z You’re at L-4 bucko, don’t you wanna defend yourself?

Defend myself? My votes are based on nothing, at 4 votes it is not even RVS anymore. It is blatantly obvious scum are on my wagon and are fueling it

What? That literally makes no sense. You literally vote me every game based on nothing. Your naked votes are even worse. If you wont participate in discussion you might as well not play the game. It is not fun when we have to scum read inactives

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Moreso why you should vote htm tbh, you voting htm puts him at L-3 rather than my L-4.

@Marluxion who do you think is scum and why? Top scum now!

I’d consider you a much better Lynch than HTM. Far more to go off of and far more associations

The thing is you are lynching for information while you cannot do that in this game since you cannot trust the flipped persons faction so association reads dont really work. Thus your point is invalid. My wagon is for the point of killing scum not information. I am fairly certain htm is scum

@Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion @Marluxion Come here and scum hunt