FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

HTM’s scum strategy is to leave, and come back and forget what happened with questions directed to him. He admitted it himself. So more reason why i am death tunneling htm

HTM should get lynched but if i get mislynched he should get night vigged. And maybe burrito lynch tommorow because moderate scum. Also heals on Marl

Also good night to all. @Kirefitten it is 10:50 so get to bed I would assume soon


No, the knight thing should be on him, I personally request the health thing so I can’t be occupied/redirected and I won’t die.

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Sure thing but that means no one except scum and defense minister should visit Marl unless you want to die

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Yeah scum would be idiots to kill me if I live

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Yeah I’m totally dodging it…

Accusing me when I’m not here

Also you clearly should have known I said my read on Squid since I told you.

You should have brought that up if you were town instead of just saying that’s right

/vote Sam

You are scum.

I don’t know if this is angleshooting or not

I would say but I feel like it’s angleshooting

Don’t do that

We don’t know flips so yeah. He could be a scum.

Oh boy. It’s been couple of hours and htm still didn’t provide good reasoning.
I need to point out some details in his case to people who still doubting. It starts with Sam’s bait but the problem isn’t the wrong answer it about his reaction to this entire situation. He acted like he KNEW he’s going to be tunnelled for not answering on time but he still hesitated with pointing this out until Sam made a choice which doesn’t make sense for Town!htm if he is indeed Town-oriented because why would Townie want to waste time on pushing them instead looking for scum?
Another thing is his defence. He tried to explain his actions by pointing at things like “I’m not good at remembering things” or “I always easily crack under pressure as Town” to nullify any scumreads on him, making it seem LAMIST. To make it worst he literally OMGUS Sam bacause he couldn’t explain his actions so he throw shade on accuser. Again is this town seem town motivated? I don’t think so.

Care to elaborate a little more than that?

Name me one game when Squid was town and didn’t overreacted during RVS.

No, normally she’s misunderstood town who flips town because of mistakes. Also VI =/= Town making mistakes.

So because of that this argument is invalid? Please…your reaction god damn af

Yes, but at same time why don’t you think he can’t be Town?

If you don’t mind I would prefer to not giving free wins for “Team Inactives”. :wink:

htm is objectively the best lynch that is likely to be one of the spies. And now I suggest other fellow politicians to get rid off potentially red spy from our base.
Your Honor, I rest my case.

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:sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :wolf: :sheep: Don’t mind me just sitting until HTM flips

@Hippolytus do scum have a factional kill?

Ok I’m going to go back and read the thread again, and make a Day 1 readlist.

@Hippolytus @Livicus
Also can you prod some folks who weren’t very active? Thanks.

I think we prod at EoD

However, @MtheJoker, your inactivity is being noted

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Well I have more votes on myself than htm for some reason I am getting shady wagoned. Also htm OMGUS’ed

U ded boi

Why arent you sheeping Marl?

htm is our lynch today. Period
Anyone else isn’t an option.
CFD into htm and we’re good.

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