FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Yes it is. You’re treating RvS votes as scumlean while it should be at worst NAI. Then do I need to quote your votes as well?

Tbh I think marl would probably try to power wolf instead of just sheeping everyone if he was scum, sorta like the chess game. Even still when it rotates the other player gets their alignment as well

I’m not treating them as a scumlean, Squid is. (well Squid said it was weird)

This seems like you are really trying to push a mislunch to me.

Alignments are still the same lol

I was thinking of comparing squid/nuke and then we could compare them to marls thing is nuke gets the educator next so then I ask for a deputy to snatch it from him.

no not that I meant whoever got the priest next.

And I think you’re trying get yourself off-hook.

My case is still strong as ever. So until you’re going to respond to my accusation I won’t change my vote.

Where is your accusation?

I never accused Sam of RVSing

If I did then quote it.

Did I say that? Before you gaslight somebody you probably read about WHAT I’m accusing you.

Listen, playing dumb won’t change my decision. You saw that wall of text find it and respond.

I don’t have any reason to not vote you.

I was actually being honest about that

I never said that…

Honestly you seem to really be pushing hard on a mislunch by saying things I didn’t do

OMGUS = instantly voting someone on the sole reason they voted you

She said it was weird that Sam was voting everyone for no reason

People can change their plays unless they are meme

Squid could have overreacted like that to gain towncred

Yea and Town Points you will gain for that: 0

Objection! I swear I saw this statement somewhere before.
Just going need to find it

Yea, because it’s weird I want hang somebody who acts suspiciously. Yea its weird.

Your reasoning behind voting Sam was shady af + you even backpedaled from saying you actually don’t seen them scummy as such.

Yes. But if it was the case why she was reactive during RvS? Also changing completely isn’t very easy, I can assure you. Some old habits may show sometimes their presence at certain time.

Currently no one said they are a Townlean, for best they’re Null, so this theory doesn’t add up.

Hahaha! I found it!

My memory served well this time. Kek

My reason for voting Sam was because of this mostly:

But I didn’t say that here though

So when he explained it to me I was less suspicious of him.

How would she know if it would work or not?

Because literally no one said that? Captain Obvious here.

What do you mean?

It’s not like she could predict the future lul

You were implying you literally never ever said that which was a lie.

According to your read on Squid you clearly stated their vote on Sam and overreacting during RvS was suspicious.

But at same you explained she would try to get a towncread while so far no one claimed to townread Squid.