FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Litten = FK

Lowkey triggered asf

Look at my wagon there are basically 3 sheep.

I read Marl as town, though, that COULD be wrong? Though Iā€™m like pretty sure heā€™s town.

I would prefer if you share more details about it.

Tell us who the scum are on your wagon instead of stating there are sheep/scum.

Lemme grab my reads real quick

Joker, Bin, and Marg all sheeped my wagon.

Sheep =/= Scum 100%

Well either way yall cant lynch me ever


  • Slight gut town read, but itā€™s too early to have a 100% confirmation on that, he does meme quite a lot, though I would think not wanting a mislynch is a town thing, though Iā€™m not totally sure.
  • Firekitten actually bring up a good point about Marl tho in the thread, Marl wouldnā€™t be discussing good scum strategies in the thread if he ever wanted to use them as scum.

So what does that mean? It means nothing to state that, tell us if they are scum or not for doing that.

Thatā€™s fair I guess.

I donā€™t think they are scum

I think that Nukeā€™s whiteknighting me though

K quote and explain why nuke is white knighting you.

We didnā€™t miss that donā€™t worry. Do you think heā€™s scum trying to get a credit?


Marl sheeped the wagon on me for no reason even though he said I was towny. So another potential scum


So why isnā€™t your vote on him.

Iā€™m slightly concerned about the slightly inactive who just placed votes and havenā€™t spoken again to my knowledge. Though they shouldnā€™t be a main concern more like a side thing.

Iā€™m trying to see whose scummier

Nuke or Marl.