FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Also you are 1 of 4 people who are almost certainly scum.

  • You
  • Insanity
  • Twilight
  • Sweetycake

Thatā€™s why you are being targeted.

Ah. Ok then. Not sure what do I do from here

Wow, good job with dodging Fireā€™s question.

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Oh shit I didnā€™t even notice that

/vote Overthebin


thats because I havenā€™t read this in entirety to come up with a conclusion

Then why did you respond right away? That was illogical.

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My bad. Gonna read through this thread welp

I was watching Burrito to see if he had any visitors

So youā€™re saying you got nothing? Can I ask why did you choose Nuke?

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From what I have read, insanity seem to be the scummiest. Marl was definitely someone with a target in his back yet he does nothing. And itā€™s more to a gut feeling
/Vote insanity

Yeah why not marl or Sam?

Marl obviously not because Insanity was supposed to be on him

You stated Insanity is scummy however you also confessed itā€™s mostly gut feeling. Unfortunately you need to bring more than that.

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I gave my reason this on why I chose insanity. ā€œhis I didnā€™t know marl was targetedā€ reasoning is a bad one

His "I didnā€™t know ā€¦**

What is your reason for accusing me then? Any solid reason?

Try something new, donā€™t look at his words look at why he WOULD want to put suspicion on himself for marl dying, as marl was already suspicious. Do that to all the 4 people suspected and tell me then.

Because scum would not attack someone who was supposed to be guarded by the defense minister without a plan

What I know is you keep saying Iā€™m scum and repeat it again and again