FM: Ministry [Spies Win]


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Lets come up with a theory.

Insanity acts suspicious
Scum member accuses insanity with passion
The scum member will be ā€˜locktownā€™
Town members look for other scum when they are right under their noses.

Plus we wonā€™t know what someoneā€™s alignment is even after they die.

You literally debunked your own theory.

So therefore we should look for the one hard accusing insanity


If that isnā€™t purposely making him suspicious I donā€™t know what is.

And insanity himself probably

So you and Insanity are on a Scum team is what you are saying


Question if you donā€™t mind. How you can be so sure there is 3 Spies alive? According to your post, you stated ā€œothersā€ would be out of suspicion which would lead there is actually 3 Spies.

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Have you read fire kittens post? He was totally trying to bus insanity

Bin who do you think insanity scummates are then?

By accusing Sweety?

You canā€™t buss in a flipless game, and plus if Iā€™m scum vote me, itā€™s really simple. Just do it.

How do you know that some of the spies are dead? Because I donā€™t. I theorize

Iā€™ll do just that. /Vote fk

I donā€™t. Which is why I need to ask now do you think htm was Spy or not?

My reasoning? Trying to push on insanity and trying to seem like the top scum hunter is usually a scum move trying to blend in with town

I donā€™t know yet is my best answer for that.

Is that so? Care to explain, please.

So therefore since you are the one who has been pushing Insanity we should vote you

He seems suspicious from what he post but it feels like heā€™s memeing. So there.