FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Insanity should have protected Marl last night as he was A. A very important role and B. A frequently targeted victim of scum attacks. But all he did was nothing. Like… he could have guarded someone else too, but he just did nothing. What kind of action was that with a role as powerful as the Defense Minister?

As for Bin, he tries to come up with these “theories” trying to seem helpful. However, there have been contradictions without any way that seems useful to the current flow of the events in which are taking place. He’s trying to say he’s right without being right.

Marl could’ve told us if htm was scum or not.

Which makes me think insanity is scum because he let him die. That or insanity just didn’t read

Nothing though I was VERY tempted to poison sam

Defence Minister doesnt blocking attacks. Insanity wasn’t on Marl that night but that’s not the point.

Really Sam?

There is confirmed scum in my group, that’s the fact.
Nuke iypt is one of the suspects however NOT the main one.

Okay, back from school.

Question: Insanity was the defense last turn, did he claim to have protected Marl?

If I missed that sorry, I’m trying to read and reply.

He didn’t.

According to Insanity, he has not done anything last night

But again, Defence Minister doesn’t blocking attacks.

It may not block attacks but it does kill the first visitor who may as well be an attacker. Plus, the reason I didn’t switch Marl with speaker when I was Transport minister was cause I though that the defense would be on it instead.

Unless the attacker was Speaker or was healed.

Well you were the healing person last turn, so who did you heal? :thinking:

But the thing is Insanity didn’t defend according to him, so like it could most literally be anyone?

I already said I was on Firekitten because he was Parity Cop.

Thing is, no one would have attacked marl unless they were certain they would have succeeded.

But again if scum suspected Defence Minister was on him, why they would send somebody to die for no reason?

There are 3 scenarios here

  1. Insanity is scum and chose not to defend Marl tho that’s a stupid scum move so I don’t know why anyone would do it then TELL us that they didn’t do it.

  2. Bin is scum and being night immune attacked Marl cause they were sure that it would land even if there was a defence on him

  3. They’re somehow both scum which is literally the most unlikely, but it could be possible but once again I highly doubt it.

In my reads I found Insanity the most scummy out of them all, though this situation is puzzling me and I’ll need to have a careful read of Bin’s posts real quickly cause I skimmed slighty over majority of the recent ones.

1 Like
Accused Voters Count
Insanity Luxy 1/7
Bin Twilight, Nuke, Litten, Joker 4/7
Litten Bin 1/7
Nuke Sam 1/7

Sorry about that, I was hosting another game.

/vote Bin

Accused Voters Count
Insanity Luxy 1/7
Bin Twilight, Nuke, Litten, Joker, Celeste 5/7
Litten Bin 1/7
Nuke Sam 1/7

Majority is 7.