FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

I always thought mods can’t be under 18

Sam pls no ping

I’m also scrambling around doing hw

and filling the SFOL spreadsheet

I’m still playing damn it, I’m reading, hold it.

Canadia, the land of maple syrup and frozen people

The only thing I’m confused about is why tf Insanity wouldn’t guard Marl THEN tell us he didn’t guard like, that seems so scummy that it wouldn’t be smart to do, but hey.

But hey isn’t a proper response. Who would you suggest to lynch alternatively? And what other things show that Insanity is town?

I’m not saying that we don’t push Insanity, I’m just pointing out weird things.

Like, on my reads I have Insanity as scum leaning. So I’m not against the insanity lynch

I mean the only thing that slightly concerns me is that Insanity has deputy, but I’ve already been told that waiting is not a good thing so can’t say much about that :stuck_out_tongue:

Deputy isn’t that important. And if it’s really a problem then it can solve itself


/vote Insanity

Insanity bad man,
Nuke Bad man,
Htm was a bad man.

Game Solved, thank me later

Okay Red Spy.

How did you know???

Because all spy’s are red. Duh

Oh i forgot haha

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@Livicus Before you fall asleep it’s hammer time.

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Livicus and I basically share a timezone, he won’t be going to sleep anytime soon.

Accused Voters Count
Insanity Luxy, Sam, Litten, Nuke, Squid, Twilight, Alfa 7/7
Bin Joker, Celeste 2/7
Litten Bin 1/7

It’s only 4 PM. But you are right. It’s :hammer: time.

It’s 8:15am for him and 9:15am for me.

Do you live in South Korea or what.