FM: Ministry [Spies Win]


Then you know I’m town

I see. brb

Unless its a bin + nuke scumteam

Which seems rather likely to me

He himself claimed that Bin was lock town.

So sam contradicted himself?

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@Sam17z what do you think of bin and nuke then. Do you think it’s T V T or S V S.

Or firekitten is lying

I don’t think it’s scum!kitten

The problem is sam has pinged me as town for most of this game

so you are saying that me nuke squid and bin are now on a scum team.

What do you think of bin and nuke.

Nope, if you chose bin before hand and told me to choose bin bin and himself are the same faction

Again his visit was caught by the immigration minister. You are implying that more people are scum than there are scum

Of course i haven’t been paying too much attention to this game

Start paying attention.

But SFoL

Yes, SFoL
