FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Points to meme and Celeste

1 more time?

Most players wouldnā€™t do that, though. Plus, Celeste actually tries from time to time.

Mhm most is 1-2/16 of the player list in a 16 p game :thinking:

My setup will be a 28p match, so having one or two people not trying shouldnā€™t hurt much.

Also get rid of them entirely with the blacklist you shouldnā€™t play if you arenā€™t going to try end of story

Town sheep lost us the game. Well done firekitten mvp to firekitten for sure

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Roll me the hamster in the robot thanks

I would like to point out that Scum donā€™t have to play that well to do better than a bad town. So saying scum played better than town here doesnā€™t mean much


I called out you and firekitten right after i died, feels super bad man
night killing me was bold and 100% the correct play tho so gj

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