[FM] Mountainous 15er (Signups)

Jeremy’s pfp should just be Isaac’s but facing left instead


No u

Isaac is gonna abuse me if I do

Cannot guarantee a large amount of activity but I will do my best to catch all scum and then be SPK’d N1.

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if you thought i was annoying then

How do I change my pfp?

big if

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Also accepting applications for VC bots in non-American timezones

Jeremy ill destroy you irl

I feel luxy typing boomer stuff

Click on your picture in the upper-right corner
Click on your name
Click ‘Preferences’
Click the pencil next to your current PFP
Change your PFP

@Isaac_Gonzalez please do not use that word on these forums.

delete now

ok boomer


visible confusion

I predicted the future

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It’s my job :man_shrugging:

I can’t use destroy?