[FM] Mountainous 15er (Signups)

anything is possible in you beleive in yourself

I believe in my powers of being lockscum!

Ultpick then the cult thing and also 100+ games I don’t remember

personally i just really hate your “IC” meta
if you were to say it made you look towny, i guess that’d be fine but you’re claiming to be comparable to modconfirmed players when you know it’s not true for obvious reasons
also self aware meta :eyes:

Emilias IC meta was great… especially when I realized AFTER THE GAME THAT SHE’S SCUM :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

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i still don’t know who to blame for GI
you, isaac or kape
probably kape

It does tho

What reasons :thinking:

Those exist I am living proof :eyes:

i don’t think you understand what mod confirmed means
it means that the HOST has confirmed that you are town
saying “hey guys i’m 100% town because self meta” is not IC and i will stab you every time you do it

Mods can make mistakes or game can be bastard

No u

pretty sure the host has to point out if it’s a bastard game
also how do you look at a rolecard, and somehow have it go through your head that you should announce that a player is town if they don’t have some ability or passive that gets you to do that

What if it’s secretly bastard

Then explain moderrors

i’m actually going to be concerned if you aren’t trolling or something
secretly bastard games would probably be one of the quickest ways to get blacklisted from hosting and
have you ever seen a moderror where someone has gone “oh hey this guy doesn’t have this passive or ability, but i should act like he uses it anyways”
you don’t kill 7 because the princess flirts them

Yes but there is small chance someone will do it

Chance that is same that I will break my meta

I never said that was the exact way they would make that moderror

unmistakable sound of hitting head against desk

Here, take this hammer, Italy

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thats sound of you losing and being unable to answer

i never thought i’d be in a world where brick walls talk back

The hecking brick wall is harder than your head

You insta lose when you ad hom